This should also apply to how we see and USE our country/world ~ - TopicsExpress


This should also apply to how we see and USE our country/world ~ It was 50 years ago today that Rev. King made his famous “I Have A Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial. His vision remains as powerful as ever: an America where people of all colors can sit down together at the table of brotherhood. Half a century later, school segregation is just a memory, interracial marriage is common, and Americans have even elected an African-American President. Of course, there is still much progress to be made. But you’d think we’d be proud to have come so far. Instead, we hear about rising racial divisiveness. A rally to commemorate Dr. King’s speech degenerated into a list of angry demands from the racial grievance industry. White on black crime is immediately blamed on racism, black on white crime is called reverse racism, and black on black crime is criminally ignored. Maybe it’s time for a new dream: An America that stops fixating on skin color and starts working together to fix a sick culture, so we can all sit down at the same table without trying to kill each other.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:57:23 +0000

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