This should be fracking good news! Everyone is so excited about - TopicsExpress


This should be fracking good news! Everyone is so excited about the global warming conference in Lima, Peru! OK, not everybody. But the thousands of professional diplomats, bureaucrats and media stenographers that make up the bulk of the global warming industry are. They love these annual get-togethers. And theyre almost always at an exotic, far-away location - dream vacation spots that they would never get to on their own budgets. And almost all of them in tropical hot spots - Bali, Cancun, Rio. Youd almost think they loved global warming, especially each December. But for the rest of us who merely pay for this global feast through our taxes, its fair to ask: What for? According to the United Nations itself, and their Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there has been no increase in global temperature in 18 years. Normal scientists make objective observations about the world, and discard theories that dont match. But global warming advocates are lobbyists, not scientists. They prefer to discard empirical data to protect their pet theory. Thats called politics. Not only is the globe not warming, but there seems to be no connection between the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperature. It is true that global emissions of carbon dioxide are rising, mainly because of the industrialization of Third World countries like India and China. That is a good thing, by the way - they have as much right to build power plants as we do, and to do so in the most reliable, cost-effective ways they can. Thats why China is the worlds largest producer and consumer of coal, and is embarking on the worlds largest nuclear program too. Their wind turbine and solar industries were a brief blip - designed to soak up government subsidies by guilty American and European governments. Those subsidies are largely gone, and with them, any economic demand for showy, experimental technology. China needs real power that works whether or not the wind blows and whether or not the sun shines. Which is why it told Barack Obama this fall that it will not even contemplate reducing its carbon dioxide emissions until at least the year 2030, when its massive wave of industrialization is expected to peak in any event. Right now, China emits at least twice as much carbon dioxide as the United States; if it continues on its current course until 2030, it will triple itself again. By contrast, American emissions have been trending down for the better part of 10 years, chiefly because of the advent of fracking. That technology has made natural gas so plentiful and cheap in the United States that it has replaced coal as the fuel of choice for many American power plants. That - and not any expensive government-run plan - is why American emissions are now the lowest theyve been since the early 1990s. Fracking has reduced American carbon emissions more than any other country in the world. Youd think that would be the environmental story of the year - a great success, and from the industry itself. But to expect that would be to misunderstand the rationale and the operations of the environmentalist movement. They dont want success; they want perpetual alarm, perpetual war against industry. But only Western industry - theyre fine with China.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:11:15 +0000

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