This song can be about anything you want it to mean to you. To me, - TopicsExpress


This song can be about anything you want it to mean to you. To me, its about regrets & learning a lesson through tragedies. In 2010, it was a day just like any other day, i left to run some errands & my boyfriend was doing his thing and wed see each other at home we were having Salmon. I had called him and left a message to call me back to go over what to get at the store. By 4:30 he hadnt called, which was unusual, but no big deal, and i was in a boutique that a friend of mine owns & i was leaving when his sister called me and asked me where i was, i told her & she told me to stay there she needed to talk to me, i said just meet us at home & stay for dinner. She said no, stay there im almost there, i thought she was crazy, but i waited. She pulled up, and got out of the car and put her hands on my arms, and told me that he was gone, i said, ok, then well eat late, she said no Kimberlee, hes gone. He died unexpectedly while i was thinking about what i needed at the grocery store. I dont remember much after that, not even getting dressed for his funeral or how i got there. I wish i had known when i gave him a quick kiss good bye that it would be the last kiss, and the last time i would hear his voice. So i always say my goodbyes with a huge hug and a kiss and I LOVE YOU. Trust me, if anything were to happen, at least you wouldnt live with that regret. I brought my children up to be that way. Dont ever leave things unsaid. We dont get any do overs ♡
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:17:41 +0000

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