This song is a lesson about the Divine Mother as She is symbolized - TopicsExpress


This song is a lesson about the Divine Mother as She is symbolized by the moon, which represents the feminine energy of the heavenly bodies and is second heaven. The reason they sing, Im only joking I dont believe a thing I said is because The Mother is the head of this age and is the life. In the proceeding age, it is the Son who is the Life through the Father. This age is the Pisces age and is represented by two fish in a circle which symbolize several things such as the duality between God and govt, God and science and Karma. Another symbol that can be drawn from this is that when we do have free will it is The Mother giving us a thought as one fish and then we choose a response be it evil or good. However in many instances we may not have free will as the circle represents the karmic nature that the Mother is meant to uphold, for this reason the Kongos sing Im just messing with your head based on a crazy little thing I read because parts of our lives are written in our souls and when the Mother receives them She will do things to us to bring about karmic balance for it is the Mother who gives the lucid dream state of the third eye, that is what the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is about... Lucid dreaming. For this reason I believe in pressing towards the mark of Love as a Christian, though Love is the biggest circle of all. For peace is the nature of the light and it is the Mother who is the light. However, the suffering of others is very real and when we live in Love we are able to help others who are in deep suffering because of their karmic imbalance - though it is are natural tendency to ignore certain people in need. For this reason it is written, Love covers a multitude of sins.... Not just our sins, but the sins of those who are in darkness for Love is the brightest light, it shines into the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not. The other side of Love is it can bring about desire which can keep one from free will because of passion. This is the importance of stillness, transcendence and meditation because that has been scientifically proven to increase free will. For this reason the Gospel of Thomas is important because it teaches people how to find the third eye which comes about through peace. However it was kept out of the bible because of incongruities between essential scriptures in the canonical gospels. for example, in the Gospel of Thomas, it is written, do not pray or you will be condemned, do not fast or you will give rise to sin and do not give alms. This is contrary to essential Christian doctrine, but I believe the gospels are supposed to be approached in a specific order with instruction, first thomas for the ascension of the first 6 spirits
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:43:48 +0000

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