This song is definitely an anthem for those with ASD and al those - TopicsExpress


This song is definitely an anthem for those with ASD and al those living with some disability, developmental disorder, or those who are bullied or teased. The lyrics speak perfectly to the exceptional abilities those on the autism spectrum have and how a little understanding of their world opens ones eyes and removes judgment. People ask me sometimes if their was a treatment to get rid of my ASD, if I would I take it. I say, heck, no. Despite all the negatives of the disorder, there are so many positives. At times I felt like my ASD was a curse, but I realized it was a gift. It helped me relate to those with disabilities and gave most of my teachers in high school a deeper understanding/appreciation of me and the disorder, as well as becoming my biggest cheerleaders. It didnt differentiate me from anyone else I was close with in high school (which was opposite of what I thought was going to happen to my surprise). To those I was close with in high school (such as many of those on the swim team I helped coach and managed), it had the same effect as my teachers when I told them. To the members of the swim team who I told of my ASD, it was just a positive part of me that made the Jess and the mother hen of the swim team (as the team nicknamed me. LOL. But I loved it because it came from a place of appreciation and respect because they said I acted like a mom/teacher giving pointers at each practice and meet and cheering them on. And they appreciated it.). To me, my ASD is part of my personality that I love and allows me to be a critical and analytical thinker, which is essential in my field. If it was not for my ASD I would never have gotten into the ABA field and working with those on the spectrum. Link: https://youtube/watch?v=P3y2E7riHig
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:04:40 +0000

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