This my life... In a nutshell!!!! My whole life Ive - TopicsExpress


This my life... In a nutshell!!!! My whole life Ive always felt FAR from perfect n I was always striving to get there!!!! Wanted to be skinnier, prettier, smarter, liked by everyone!!! Made sure everyone elses needs and wants came before mine because i felt my wants and needs werent important...A major people pleaser....NEVER felt good enough for anyone or anything...always tried to be prim n proper and set a good example!!! (Believe it or not).sound familiar to any of you reading this?? I am a very private person normally when it comes to my life...sure i share general info and basic stupid stuff on here. ...but rarely details about me...I share this now because this song hits home for me. And i know it does for a few of the people in my life FAMILY AND FRIENDS....So every so often I post it. Because I know so many women, men and especially young kids who feel the same way I did...and admittedly still do at times. I want them to know what Ive learned through the years.since Im older n somewhat smarter now!!!!. n have to remind myself on occasion!! ....1: you will never be perfect because perfection is an illusion and is different to everyone NO ONE IS. and thats a good thing. Relish in your differences and everyone elses.... We are all meant to learn from them!! 2:you need to learn NOT to listen to all the negative things people will say about you...AND SWIRLING around IN your OWN HEAD!! there will always be people who judge you 3: those people who criticize you judge you and put you down or bully you....are usually jealous and miserable and want to hurt you so they feel better about themselves..misery does most definitely love company....and 4: dont let it make you bitter and unhappy!!!! Think of everything that happens to you as a lesson and TRULY learn from it and MOVE FORWARD!! and lastly.....we are all here for a reason...we are all different...never compare yourself or your life to someone elses. Be happy with what you have and who you are and always strive to learn more and be a better you for YOU...and never ever forget you ARE loved!!!! The people who truly care for you will be there when needed. It may not be the ones you think will be....but someone always is. Life is a blessing. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder...and everyone see things differently.....just embrace it all good n bad! Life is short and you ARE perfect in your imperfections!! You were created that way for a reason. And believe it or not...THATS A GREAT THING!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:00:31 +0000

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