This song-post is dedicated to the wondrous and wise Kelly - TopicsExpress


This song-post is dedicated to the wondrous and wise Kelly Robinson, extraordinary wife of my good friend and brother Dennis Robinson, who is in a hospice today, at the end of a long and brave 18-month battle against cancer, with Dennis at her side, reading her messages coming in support and prayer for her; she slips in and out of consciousness due to the medication easing her considerable pain. We always wanted to meet but now never will, not in this life anyway. She is a fierce opponent of the tanning bed industry; it was from tanning beds that she developed melanoma (skin cancer), which has since invaded her brain. Many surgeries and therapies later, and after a long and dedicated search for alternative cures, it is now all over. They converted their beautiful cottage, Rainbow Cottage, into an herbal-cures and health food business Rainbow Robinsons Organics, and Kelly inspired and often directly helped others struggle against the disease. In one case, Den tells me, she had helped a young British woman, expecting a child but with terminal cancer, to get treatment in the US by a doctor who prescribed cannabis oil so she could have her baby. Gorgeous and glamorous even with the ravages of the disease taking its toll, Kelly had been a high-flying London public relations professional and had style and panache to match. Always positive, always wanting to talk of joy and love instead of pain and fear, she is a bona fide warrior-woman now coming to the end of a battle for her life. Sadly, barring a last-minute miracle, that long battle is now over. I asked native friends back home to light a smudge (sweetgrass for purification and sanctification) and sing some of their songs for her so the mountains she never got a chance to see will hear her song; one of them, the kind Mrs Aggie Patrick of the Statimc people (pron. slat-li-umh, more or less) has promised me, will be their Warrior Womens Song. I have not even a candle here to hold vigil but she and Dennis and her young-teen son Edward will be on my thoughts today as they have been for the last few days. Whatever form or rite or prayer or tribute you would offer up for someone brave and courageous in the face of cruel fate, please send kind thoughts her way, and strength for Dennis and Edward to continue in this world without her. She is a remarkable woman and has impacted and aided and supported others beyond count. When Dennis married her, hed quipped I now have my very own Mrs Robinson (shes a bit older than him), and indeed he found a prize. So sad that God has seen fit to bring her home early, my heart is out to them and to her large and loving family and hundreds of supporters, Though so very sad right now, I know Kelly would rather people celebrate her life, rather than grieve her passing, and this song so very fitting seems the most apt tribute to her that I can offer up today. Beautiful, wise, kind and gracious and full of life, she deserves respect and honour and a salute from the soul; words fail me, and a sense of regret that we never met in person will always be with me. when the final news comes - barring that miracle that I join Dennis in hoping may still yet come about - I will feel like roaring like a Klingon announcing the arrival of a Klingon warrior into their after-life. I may try to learn this song in her honour instead.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:04:05 +0000

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