This spring—usually a time of life & renewal—Ive seen sadness. - TopicsExpress


This spring—usually a time of life & renewal—Ive seen sadness. Too much. Three friends lost their Moms, I said goodbye to one of my very closest friends, and two weeks ago my Brother lost his life to cancer at the age of only 56. Just yesterday another dear friend lost a brother unexpectedly. So tragically sad. Life is crazy, unexplainable and often seems horribly unfair. But within the sadness are lessons—reminders, really (nothing we dont already know, but worth reaffirmation every now and again): •Theres nothing wrong with having a good cry. Its soul-cleansing and gives us a quiet moment of perspective and pure humanity. •If you love a person, tell them—even if they already know—tell them anyway. Its good for both of your hearts. •A hug now is better than flowers later. We seldom know when its the last time well see someone—often its a phone call which brings the news. When I saw my Big Brother Gerry last month, I was pretty sure it would be the last time. I squeezed his hand and looked him in the eye. I hugged him (gently, because of his pain). I told him I loved him. Lucky isnt the right word, but I am grateful I had that time with him. Dont waste your emotional time on the petty shit. Time is the only commodity we cant bank or acquire more of—a moment once past cant be brought back.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:22:22 +0000

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