This started in 2007 as a way to prevent diseases. This is why the - TopicsExpress


This started in 2007 as a way to prevent diseases. This is why the government cant be trusted: Genes are considered the property of big brother Steve Watson Monday, Feb 8th, 2010 The government is harvesting samples of DNA from every newborn child in the country, storing them in monolithic bio banks and providing them to outside researchers and other agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, all without the consent or knowledge of parents. It sounds like the stuff of dystopian nightmare, and it is, but it is also reality. In April 2008, President Bush signed into law a bill which formerly announced the process that the federal government has been engaged in for years, screening the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. within six months of birth. Described as a “national contingency plan” the justification for the law S. 1858, known as The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, is that it represents preparation for any sort of “public health emergency.” The bill states that the federal government should “continue to carry out, coordinate, and expand research in newborn screening” and “maintain a central clearinghouse of current information on newborn screening… ensuring that the clearinghouse is available on the internet and is updated at least quarterly”. Sections of the bill also make it clear that DNA may be used in genetic experiments and tests, both by the government and by researchers chosen to handle the DNA samples and the information that goes with them. Brase states that S.1858 and H.R. 3825, the House version of the bill, will: Establish a national list of genetic conditions for which newborns and children are to be tested.Establish protocols for the linking and sharing of genetic test results nationwide.Build surveillance systems for tracking the health status and health outcomes of individuals diagnosed at birth with a genetic defect or trait.Use the newborn screening program as an opportunity for government agencies to identify, list, and study “secondary conditions” of individuals and their families.Subject citizens to genetic research without their knowledge or consent. “Soon, under this bill, the DNA of all citizens will be housed in government genomic biobanks and considered governmental property for government research,” Brase writes. “The DNA taken at birth from every citizen is essentially owned by the government, and every citizen becomes a potential subject of government-sponsored genetic research.” “The public is clueless. S. 1858 imposes a federal agenda of DNA databanking and population-wide genetic research. It does not require consent and there are no requirements to fully inform parents about the warehousing of their child’s DNA for the purpose of genetic research.” The government may outsource genetic research to private companies, who may manipulate, alter or splice the DNA in any way they see fit. Hundreds of samples have already been used in government comissioned studies. Such information represents a goldmine to employers, insurance companies, medical institutions, and big pharma. Under such conditions we are faced with the prospect of a society that is literally the mirror image of the nightmarish vision outlined by Aldous Huxley in his 1932 novel Brave New World, where individuals are categorized in a social hierarchy according to their genetic traits. The National Conference of State Legislatures lists for all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, the various statutes or regulatory provisions under which newborns’ DNA is already being collected. In addition, all 50 states are now routinely providing these results to the Department of Homeland Security. The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 merely established this practice within the law. Full story: prisonplanet/newborns-dna-routinely-harvested-for-government-bio-banks.html
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:12:02 +0000

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