This status is copied and pasted from John Long. It wouldnt allow - TopicsExpress


This status is copied and pasted from John Long. It wouldnt allow me to share so I am sharing this is long but WELL worth the read! Dear Kids, The main purpose of me being on Facebook is to have a record of stuff Ive thought and did and said and enjoyed for you to see. The secondary purpose is like everyone else….seeing who has gained weight since high school. At times Ive forgotten this and have veered into a weird area in which Ive offended people, been a know-it-all and absolutely abrasive at times. For that I apologize, because I dont really want to be that person. What Im about to write may fall into that category, but its really been on my mind lately and Im writing it to you in hopes that you may take from it what you will and form your own opinion. Its not meant to upset anyone, or you for that matter, its simply a re-telling of a conversation and my thoughts on what was said. Ive changed the name of the person I was talking with, since he may not want me divulging this to the world…but its hard to ask permission at 1 am. Here is what happened. As best as I remember, but its only been a week. I remember it well. Me: Hey, were having a fish fry at Church. Do you want to come. Xavier: (Big laugh) No. Ill pass. Me: Why? Do you have something against fried fish? If so, get out of Alabama now. Xavier: Have you forgotten what I am? Me: Black? Its cool, there are people of color at my church. Xavier: Dude, Im gay. I think itd be awkward. Me: Only if you kiss a Deacon on the mouth. Xavier: Thanks, but no thanks. Me: Man, its cool. Everyone there is cool. Xavier: Youre Baptist right? Me: Yep. Proudly a life-long Baptist. Not the God hates Fags Baptist. Those guys are crazy. Im a normal, no dancing/no drinking Baptist. Xavier: Then you know they dont want a hell-bound sinner like me there. Me: Its cool, they take sinners like me and you in stride. Im like the worlds worst Christian. Plus there will be hushpuppies. Xavier: Whatever sin you have probably doesnt compare to my lifestyle. Me: Man, Im a glutton. I live a lifestyle of gluttony. Were pretty much the same and no one hassles me about my belly getting bigger. Xavier: Exactly, they dont boycott the buffet. They boycott everything I do. They dont constantly hammer you about it. But me? Its non-stop. Im sorry but I dont want to go. Me: Suit yourself. I would hope you know that Ive never boycotted anything and Im not really concerned about who you sleep with. I would totally make you a platter of sandwiches for your wedding and they would be Fabulous. Xavier: Maybe so, but the people you go to Church with sure are concerned and theyll probably kick you out if they heard you. Me: Ive already been fired (I wasnt really fired…more like replaced) from teaching Sunday School…I dont think it could get much worse. Come with me to the fish fry. What are you afraid of? They arent going to throw holy water on you and pelt you with communion crackers. Xavier: (Laughing) Nah man. I dont think so. Me: Well, Im eating your plate then. Xavier: Isnt that like me kissing a Deacon? Me: (Laughing) Good point. I tell you this because I think its important to realize how your actions impact those you dont know. My friend doesnt know anything about my church…which is a fine church full of loving people. But the perception of the baptist church as a whole isnt that positive on this matter. Jesus met with the woman at well. I know you know the story, but he broke a few Jewish customs/rules to connect with someone who needed him. If hed decided to throw a fit, boycott the well and pass a law preventing someone from using that well, then his ministry wouldve been in vain. Instead he chose to do what is right. Which is to love. Now, you cant have love without truth. They are one in the same. There is the truth of the Bible…which we are all in conflict with since we are all sinners. So, wouldnt it seem like a good idea if we all dropped all the nonsense and started trying to be kind to those who may be different than we are? What kind of person holds others to a higher standard than they hold themselves? Ill answer that for you…..a self-righteous prick. So, dont be a prick. Jesus wouldnt be happy about that. He may not be happy that Ive used prick for a third time now….but it best describes those who act that way. My mom, your granny….the most Godly woman on the face of this earth used to tell me Worry about yourself before you worry about anyone else. Not in a me first way, but in a Get your house in order before cleaning someone elses house way. Jesus commanded us to love one another as we love ourselves. He also told us to share his message with others. He also told us to make disciples. But love was the foundation that his message is built upon. None of that means you have to concede what you believe in order to share the love of Christ with others. But it should mean that you are concerned with how you reach and teach those who arent Christian. And what we are currently doing in the Baptist church isnt working in this area. Of course Im painting with a broad brush, but I dont think there is a willingness to reach the LGBT community from our church as a whole. Some would say that this is an endorsement for the gay lifestyle (whatever that is….but I imagine it dresses pretty well). But its an endorsement for love. You can love the Lord and serve sinners like me too. Just read up on Naaman. If we as Christians cant figure out that serving and loving sinners is not an endorsement of a sinful lifestyle…then we are doomed….because everyone is ruled out, since were all sinners. God knows your heart. So, children…I expect you to treat everyone with respect and love those who may be in conflict with Gods word, even if they live a horrible lifestyle of gluttony like your dad that is against the word of God and the very fabric of what the country was founded upon. Because, the old way weve done things hasnt really packed the pews…and is probably preventing people from coming to church to hear our self-righteous love the sinner, hate the sin speech for the 53rd time. Anyway, thats what I think about that. Love, Dad
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:53:48 +0000

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