This status is kinda long, but its stuff that I need to say and - TopicsExpress


This status is kinda long, but its stuff that I need to say and everyone in my life needs to know (if your not interested just keep scrolling, its rather lengthy): My entire life I have always ridiculed those who prefer life here over life in their home country. I had some very strong opinions on the subject. I will always be about that arab life but I realized that there is no reason to frown upon those who prefer to live here. I obviously appreciate the legal system here, its more of the simplistic mentality of society here that bothered me so much. Clearly, I have a much more mature disposition and thought process than my peers (Ive been seen as a 24 year old before after the person had one conversation with me). In my head, I used to think that people with my mentality can only be found in Arabs. I used to long to go home. But now I know that home is not a place, its an idea. Home is where I can express my retarded and antisocial ideals. I will not apologize for focusing on bigger issues. My idea of finding the one is because Ive always craved company of those who see the world as temporary and are working for the life after. That, to me, is home. And whether this person is a romantic partner (husband of course, AstaghfirAllah) or just a friend I make later in life, that is when I will be home. From now on, I will choose my friends carefully based on this thought process. I had to rid myself of a few (one in particular, but there were a few) people in my life who seemingly cared about me, but had little care in my deeds. Frankly, if your not helping me work for the afterlife, I do not consider you a friend. That is also why I wasnt attractive to a guy who seemingly perfect. Im here to tell you that race and being a Muslim by name does not make them an ideal parter. It hurt at the time, but now I could not be more grateful that Allah (SWT) blinded him like that, I dont need that kind of company. Based on this, Im done ridiculing people with different ideas or those who are nationalistic for countries other than Syria. If your intent towards me is what I want it to be, your welcome in my life. If not, please leave me alone.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:09:17 +0000

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