This story about overtime pay reminds me of working for IPA - TopicsExpress


This story about overtime pay reminds me of working for IPA Northeast before the owner decided to sell all the clients and take the money and run. He used to see to it that most of the employees felt so much pressure to keep up with the workload that they would willingly give up a lot of free overtime. Deirdre and Gloria put up with it for nearly a decade before realizing that it wasnt a temporary situation, it was a part of Marvins design, so they wised up and quit, and were happy they did so. The whole pension industry is like this now. It didnt used to be. I was there in the 80s. It wasnt like that then. It doesnt have to be now. Its just about rich despicable pigs taking every advantage they can. Its as if one of the Ten Commandments is Thou shalt take as much advantage as possible, and worship selfishness as your only God. Jesus was nothing, forget him. Dont ever treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Jesus was a quack. I remember when Rich and I were pretty much the only people there who didnt donate free overtime. I suppose Maureen avoided it most of the time. But most of the staff was caught in it, like it or not. You donate free OT or you get fired for not keeping up with your workload. No good options available. And now where Rich is, hes working through lunch himself. Its not just that one company. Its not just this industry. Its a way of life. Give to the boss, allow yourself to be taken advantage of. You have no rights. You are nothing. You are lucky they let you breathe their air. I remember Marilyn in one of her idiot moods, asking me if I was grateful that Marvin was giving us a day off for Christmas and New Years. She could be a doozy when she wanted. I said no, Im not grateful, and she turned on me about it. I should be grateful for those days off. She was quite capable of turning into a whackadoodle on a moments notice, a trait she showed to me more than to others.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:06:05 +0000

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