This story in Norfolk truly caught my attention for obvious - TopicsExpress


This story in Norfolk truly caught my attention for obvious reasons *points at skin*, and as disheartening as it may be; this is a prime example of why I say ¨Dont tell people what your doing, just do it¨. The Link to the article: thesource/2014/11/18/black-students-walk-out-over-school-officials-tweets/ Whether you get offended or you dont, this is all my opinion & if it offends you then I m talking to you. Either way, it caused a response. Now, I am in no way racist; nor am I referring to ¨ALL WHITE¨ people; just the ones who share in this classes ignorance. But its not about what they call you, its about what you respond to. I am impressed with the students responses to this hatred, because who doesnt love a good protest. But one thing that I have learned in my 24 years of life, in this day and age; you can scream until you go blue in the face, and nobody will still hear you or give a rats ass about what your screaming about. The best way to prove them (ignorant, racist people of all colors), is by doing what they can do; and doing it better. Even though I am speaking primarily to those African American students who were impacted by this ignorance; this goes for anybody that feels it can apply... Since this was a school official who stated this about these students who they are ¨suppose to be teaching & reaching¨, all I can say to those students is... It is great that this situation was handled with peaceful protest thus far. But if you want to go above and beyond to ¨get back at them¨ for calling you less than & unworthy; go to college, get your PhD, become a superintendent, take their job. My mentor in college who was an African American woman gave me this advice during my years of undergrad at the university, ¨They (White People and Such) will never view you the same, it doesnt matter what comes after or before your name; to them your black, and beneath them. So the best thing you can do is to take what they have, and show them that you can do it better. By being better¨. Now, dont get me wrong; in no way am I saying contribute all your success towards proving anybody (including white people) that you can do something. No, its not about that. But the one thing no one on this earth can take from you is knowledge. So I do not what you decide to further your education in, as long as you educate yourself before you respond to ignorance like this. You cant compete if you dont know that facts, and you cant participate without knowing the rules & how to play them in your favor. Prime example, the work place. I dont care if your a fry cook at McDonalds or a Senior partner at a law firm, it may not be spoken; but in the minds of most (not all) white people is that they are superior to you; you are not their equal or their competition. Its the ugly truth whether you choose to accept it or reject it. Prime example, at work today I was loading a truck with four other people (two of them were white). One of the white guys made a status on facebook within that same hour saying that ¨I only like three people Im at work with right now¨. Now mind you, I dont even bring my phone into work & this is a person I have never spoken to since I started at my job. So it doesnt take a brain to figure out he was referring to me. I had a choice, I could have taken that information that I received from the third party source and made the choice to involve myself in the ignorance; or I could do exactly what I did, keep working. Why not respond? Because it shows his insecurities. Ive been at this job less than three months, and my employer continues to compliment my work & hint at the promise I have with the company. I can guarantee that the white person who made that status insecurities & ignorance stemmed from the recognition I am constantly being given over him; so he feels threatened I imagine. So in a way, I am responding. Just not verbally. I am responding to him, and people like him who choose to be ignorant and racist by putting in the work, being better at the job, and obtain the positions they want. If you want respect, beat them at their own game. Now did that take violence or time out my day? No. And truth be told, until today I never even paid attention to that person who made the status on facebook. I just come to work on time, do my job, and go home. Like me, let your work speak for itself. You have nothing to prove, except the things you want to prove to yourself. So, I have said all that to say this... To those black high school students who have experienced this hatred from unintelligent white people (Not referring to all white people, just those who express ignorance), let this be a lesson outside the textbook to you all. You can share a classroom with them, eat with them, even date them; but to them, you will always be a ¨they¨ in that equation. The best thing you can do for yourself, it protect yourself by educating yourself so that when these situations do occur (which will be plenty ahead); you can react in a manner that keeps you in control of the situation. Again, its not what they call you; it is what you respond to. P.S.- This is not a message for anyone to go around self hating or hating others for the actions of very few. But since those few ignorant individuals will always exist; the need to educate will always be needed. This story just proves that even teachers have dumb moments. Nobody is perfect, but your intentions can be. ¨Dont fight fire, with fire¨. Instead, have you a nice cool glass of ice tea or lemonade and remain unbothered as you do like they do by smiling in their face & stealing their jobs, their people, and their money right from underneath them. That is how you become someone fathers worst nightmare, by accomplishing your dreams; and making the reality that we are here, we are not going any where, and we deserve & are worth of just as much (if not more) than you are.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:45:02 +0000

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