This story is going to end very badly for a lot of people. Hand - TopicsExpress


This story is going to end very badly for a lot of people. Hand Eric Holders injustice department that has no congressional accountable an unlimited budget, and enough smoke, and this is going to end with a fire. There is an asteroid on trajectory to make land-fall here, and with a very large blast radius. Todays cautionary tale: I believe whats at the root of this story is the belief by some of those in what I call Ron/Rand Paul, Inc. who really thought they were than the corrupt system the revolution was supposed to topple. They fancied themselves sort of political godfathers and masters of shrewd realpolitik. So they thought they could cash the check, move up the food chain, and change the system from within once they had access to it. Except that NEVER works. Eventually you either figure that out, or become a part of the system. Those who figure that out become successful revolutionaries. Those who dont see the corrupt system make an example out of them to squash any future revolutions. That sadly seems like what is going to happen here. Youre going to have a difficult time distancing yourself from the people like Benton that Ron/Rand Paul themselves entrusted with their brand/movement. If Perrys associations are fair game to vet him as a candidate, so are the guys mentioned in this story for the Pauls as well. Successful revolutions never incorporate. They always cleanse. The wisest man who ever lived once said, You cant pour new wine into old wineskins. If you try, the old wineskins rip, tear, and lose their integrity. Get the picture? For the better part of the last year I suspected this is how this story was going to end, which is why I have often been warning my liberty friends of the road some of their self-appointed leaders were taking them down. Encouraging them to be independent of the Paul family and not put all their eggs in that one basket, for if there is a moral failing they take everyone down with them. Hopefully, some of you are doing that because this country desperately needs your zeal for individual freedom and limited government at the moment. The system is threatened by you and wants to take you down, but they cant do it unless your leaders/gatekeepers make it possible. Sadly, it looks like through their own malfeasance they have done exactly that. If I were a liberty person, at this point Id worry much more about maintaining the integrity of my movement than Rand Paul 2016.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:07:28 +0000

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