This story is partly based on fact. Felecia is a friend of mine. - TopicsExpress


This story is partly based on fact. Felecia is a friend of mine. My first concert is on Nov 12th 2014 and my Mom did pass away on Nov 12th 2012. I wrote this as part of my healing process I hope you like it. Nov 12th --- Ashley Imagine My first Black Veil Brides concert is tonight the 12th of Nov of this year. The same day of the year that my Mother had passed two years ago I am hoping that the memories I will make at the concert will replace the bad ones I have of Nov 12th. This day has been very hard for me today I am having mixed emotions I have been crying remembering my mom and also very excited for the concert. But now standing in line waiting for the Uptown Theater’s door to open and allowing us to enter for our VIP Experience with the band before the concert I have been feeling guilty that I am hoping the music would drive the sadness away from this day if not only for a few hours. I had taken my friend Felecia with me I turned to her and asked “Hey are you as excited as I am right now?” “Yes I am and I have to use the bathroom” she answered me squirming making me giggle. These moments seemed to be holding the sadness at bay but it kept creeping back into my heart when the world got still. The doors finally opened and a big burly security guard announced “VIP pass holders please step forward and have your passes out where they can be scanned.” Felecia and I stepped forward and held our passes out and they were scanned and we were allowed into the building. “Y/N I have to pee now I am going to find a restroom. You go ahead in and I will catch up with you” she said as she turned and made her way to the restroom. I entered the room where tables and band merch was set up. Black Veil Brides had not entered the room yet and all the other VIP’s were crowding up to the table but I hung to the back of the room waiting for Felecia to return. I glanced at the floor fighting back the tears that were welling up in my eyes. “You don’t look like you want to really be here. You don’t look like the rest of the fans in this room” a voice came out of the dark followed by the face that it belonged to. It was Ashley Purdy the bass player for BVB. “Uuuhh no…no I love you guys… I am very excited to be here. Just waiting for my friend she went to the bathroom” I stuttered wiping my face and blushing at the attention. “Well tears don’t say, I want to be here and I am happy about it.” he replied stepping close enough I could feel his body heat radiating off of his bare chest. Then asked me “Are you alright?” as he reached out touching my arm. “Yeah I am good, thanks” I gasped in reaction to the warm touch of his callous hand on my elbow. “Ash you need to go to the table and join the guys for the VIP stuff” said the same burly guy who let us in the door. “Ok Jeff I am coming.” Ashley called to him as he looked into my eyes and smiled at me then added “I better see you up at the table.” Then he walked away but then turned back and asked “What is your name, Beautiful?” “Y/N and I will be up there don’t worry about that.” I replied to him as Felecia came around the corner. “Was that Ashley Freakin Purdy?” she squealed. Ashley Purdy just asked me for my name I took a minute to slow my heart enough I could speak but couldn’t so all I could do was nodded my head and answer to her. We made our way up to the back of the line for the table we were last in line and it seemed like it was taking forever. I kept watching Ashley and I caught him watching me too. It was finally our turn and as we walked up to the table Ashley stood up and said “Hey you finally made it up here. Guys this is Felecia and Y/N. She is the one I told you all about that was not acting thrilled to be here tonight.” “Oh that’s not good our concerts are fun you will love it” Jinxx said. “Oh no guys she is a huge fan of yours. It is just that two years ago today her Mom passed away and this day is filled with sadness for her. That is why we are her today to hopefully replace some of her sadness with happiness and that is where you guys come in” Felecia let it all spew out before I could stop her. I dropped my head to the floor and felt the tears stinging my eyes once again. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hug me as I fought back the tears. I forced myself to look up into Jake’s face as he said “I am truly sorry for your pain and your loss. We are so sorry if we upset you.” He kissed my forehead and pulled me tighter for a moment before releasing me and backing away. Before I could react I was getting hugs and kisses on the head from CC and then Andy. Then it was Jinxx who grabbed me and held me tight as he uttered “I am so sorry for the stupidity of my words.” “It is okay your words were not stupid you had no way to know about my life” I replied “But thank you.” He squeezed me tightly once more then back away. I was still looking at the ground fighting to control the onset of my tears fearing that if they started again I would not be able to rein them back in. When I felt another set of strong arms close around me and pull me into a warm bare chest that could have only been Ashley. I inhaled his musky scent and rested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. I lost my war with my tears and they came in a huge wave as I sodded. He held me tighter than any of the others had riding out the waves of my tears. I don’t know how much time had passed before I regained control over them but it seemed like an eternity. When Ashley noticed I was calming down he said “Y/N I am sorry that I gave you a hard time and caused you pain on a day that is already more pain than you should know. I lost both of my parents but my pain can never measure up to yours or Jakes because I was so young I have no memories to cause me pain.” I pulled my head off Ashley and glanced at Jake and quietly said “Oh Jake I am sorry I know you lost your Mom not long ago I am sorry for letting my problems spill out like this.” “It is ok. Hey lets go have some fun and forget our pain for a while” Jake said wiping his eyes and face with his hands. “Hey where are your seats at ladies?” Andy asked us. “Doesn’t matter you are super VIP’s now. Jeff take them to our reserved seats and give them whatever they want” he said to Jeff not waiting for us to answer him. “Y/N would you and Felecia want to hang with us after the show? I would like to talk with you more” Ashley asked me. “Yeah why don’t you ladies come hang with us after the show?” CC chimed in. “OK, we would love to” Felecia and I responded in unison. The guys went to get ready for the show and Jeff showed us to our new seats that happened to be right up by the stage. The show was amazing we took enough pictures for an album plus more. After they show was over Jeff reappeared and showed us to the bus. Ashley appeared at the bus door with his gorgeous smile on his face and asked “So Y/N what did you think of our show?’ “OMG it was Amazing. The songs are so much better live than they are on the cd” I said in awe of the experience. “Good then let’s work on making so more good memories to replace the bad ones for this day” Ashley said taking my hand and leading me onto the Black Veil Brides bus. Felecia followed us onto the bus. “Hey guys can you keep Felecia company while Y/N and I go talk for a while?” Ashley asked as he and I made our way to the back of the bus. We sat down on his bunk and talked about all kinds of stuff. We got so lost in our talk that before we knew it the sun was rising. “Thank you Ashley you have made this a wonderful night full of memories that have replaced the bad ones” I said hugging him. “I enjoyed our talk and spending this time with you. I am happy that I helped you make new happier memories” he said smiling at me. Then he cupped my face in his strong calloused hand and pulled mm face to his until our lips met. He kissed me with his soft luscious lips for a long embrace. ------- *Purdys Pixie*
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:20:27 +0000

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