This story says a lot about us. And we should hang our heads in - TopicsExpress


This story says a lot about us. And we should hang our heads in shame. ------------------------------ This silence is not accidental. There is a clear double standard when talking about Western vs. non-Western and Muslim vs. non-Muslim victims of terrorism. Terrorists attacks on the West, and against non-Muslims in particular, are sensationalized in the media while those afflicting non-Westerners and Muslims are normalized and treated as business as usual, generating limited public interest and, in turn, limited outcry from activists and institutions that could actually affect change. This discrepancy in coverage raises important questions about the way the media talks about terrorism — and whether the Western news outlets that so fiercely dissected the brutal Charle Hebdo massacre will ever see non-Western and Muslim victims of terrorism as mournable. And the result is telling: Reports about non-Western victims of terrorism are generally overlooked or ignored unless they fit particular narrative of freedom and civilization under assault from Islamic extremism. The media continues to explicitly omit or gloss over these victims of terrorism (unless their stories can be used to fuel Islamophobia).
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:02:29 +0000

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