This story was kindly shared by a supporter. Her story again - TopicsExpress


This story was kindly shared by a supporter. Her story again highlights how Australian citizens are penalised if they have a NZ citizen in the family. It shows how Centrelink staff are also confused by the rules regarding NZ citizens and their eligibility to benefits in times of need. Those who say get a permanent visa will see it is not always so simple even for those with an available pathway. Thank you to our supporter for sharing and we wish you well with your application for a permanent visa. - Emma “Hello, I am not sure if you can help or not. I arrived in Australia in July 2003. At the time I wasnt sure of much really, I had just spent 3 weeks in hospital (mental health) and was on sickness benefit from my work. My family (who have been here before the 2001 changes), encouraged me to come over to start fresh. To be honest I feel that they thought I would just get better, that hasnt been the case. I have been ill on and off over the years, getting through with the support of my Australian born husband. My (well one of) current issues is that I have applied for Disability support pension, due to mental health issues (I have physical problems as well, but at Centrelink job capacity assessment was told the physical issues would only get me 10 points out of the required 20). I was originally denied due to my residency (the person who first processed the claim for the provisional Newstart benefit (while the DSP is being assessed) denied it. I called Centrelink back and an appeal was made and was successful - until the appeal assessor called to say the decision was overturned due to me originally applying for DSP and in the legislation it excludes me due to being an unprotected SCV holder. Yet if I was to have applied for Newstart (only) the application would have been accepted. I CAN understand that the DSP can be claimed after 104 weeks (I actually applied late 2005 - so well after the 104 weeks since arrival - however was denied by a very rude Centrelink person - who flicked through my passport to tell me I have been in and out of the country a lot - I have entered Australia, left and returned! I did not know that I could have appealed that decision, but I wouldnt have met the criteria of needing to be here for at least 10 years for Newstart. The assessor has put it forward as a hardship case, so to be reviewed this week rather than the 6 weeks otherwise. We have had to seek help from charity and trying to explain every time our situation is getting me down - the disbelief that I am not able to receive any help at all. When I was working my husband would have to declare all my income to Centrelink, so he is being penalised being my husband - so he only receives his portion of the DSP as the rules assume the partner of recipient is entitled. I have received the baby bonus for first child, paid maternity leave for second (can claim Family tax money), but am not able to claim a parenting payment, so welcome to have babies, but not have any assistance to care for them while I get better myself. Currently I have an application in for permanent residency (sponsored by my husband), it was put in just before Christmas last year, I went through a migration agent, so have had to bear the cost of his services ($2,500), plus the visa cost of $3,060. I am currently paying the migration agent back the money he loaned me to put it in before the price increase (after 31 December the cost went up to $4,000) at $100 per fortnight. I was able to pay $2,000 of the $5,500, I still have to have the medical assessment which I am worried that I will fail due to my mental health issues (as well as physical problems). I had no idea that this would happen like this. I left NZ to start again, with not a lot of support. Both my parents are deceased and most of my siblings are here in Australia. We have decided if I am unsuccessful with residency we will need to relocate back to NZ as it is easier for my husband to receive govt help over there. I have no idea how we are going to cope with moving (financially as well as mentally), we have two young children to factor into all of this. I guess I am worried what will happen with the future and am not sure what to do, I am not even sure if you can help - I hope that you will have at least understanding of my situation and I support the cause to get a fairer reciprocated agreement for both Australia and New Zealand. I personally believe the SCV should be scrapped if Australia isnt going to help put into place safe guards for workers and people that are choosing Australia as home. To apply for a working visa (or other visa) like any other country and stop this exploiting of New Zealanders (yes you can come and work and pay taxes, be part of the community, raise you family here, but if you are EVER in trouble dont bother coming to ask for help). I would like to become a citizen if I am successful at permanent residency, however I am not sure if that will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read, it is appreciated.”
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:00:00 +0000

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