(This story was told to Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein by a Jew living - TopicsExpress


(This story was told to Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein by a Jew living in Yerushalayim and is retold in Aleinu Leshabeach) A number of years after I was married, I received a message from America that a relative of mine had passed away, and left behind a huge inheritance, and I was included in the will. I was forced to travel to America a number of times to sign various papers, but I ultimately inherited a few million dollars. The rule that “he who has a hundred, desires two hundred” took immediate effect on me. I began investigating ways to invest my money, so I could earn even more money. I began traveling regularly to America and Europe, and even Africa. When I returned home to Israel, I didn’t rest either. I pressured the real estate agents to find plots of land for me to invest in. I went from real estate to factories, to computers and high tech. Unfortunately, I was very unsuccessful - it seemed like anything I touched eventually failed. I lost almost all my money and I was forced to borrow money from friends and eventually from banks. Eventually, I lost all my money and I was unable to pay back my loans. I sold all my real estate, but it wasn’t enough, and the bank evicted me from my apartment, and I was left without anything but huge debts. All that was left from the money which I had inherited were my dreams. During all the time that I was struggling, I tried a number of segulas which were supposed to help me, and I also gave a huge amount of money to tzedakah, but it didn’t help. I was sure that it wasn’t a problem of ayin hara since I was mapkid not tell anyone about the inheritance I received. On one of my last trips to America, when I was already in a precarious situation, I came across a pamphlet in shul. It was a pamphlet with divrei mussar on the importance of shemiras einayim. The pamphlet brought down from one of the sefarim hakedoshim that a person who does not guard his eyes and does not conduct himself with kedusha will lose all his money and become poor even if he was born under the mazal of wealth! I then understood everything. On the course of all my travels, I did not guard my eyes at all, and I was not careful in other matters of kedushah. I began crying copiously, and I was impelled with the ratzon to do complete teshuvah. I accepted on myself several kabbalos, and I was determined to keep them even if I was faced with difficult nisyonos. I was so determined that Hashem helped me to succeed, and I was zocheh to do complete teshuvah in these matters, and I was metaken my ways. Within a short amount of time after I had changed my ways, I was zocheh to earn back all my wealth, and even more in almost a miraculous fashion, without any logical explanations
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:45:00 +0000

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