This sucks, but what do you expect from people who are lacking in - TopicsExpress


This sucks, but what do you expect from people who are lacking in intellectual sophistication? When I go to work I plan my route. I avoid the dangers of everyday life by using past experiences as a guide. I evolve. I learn. Even when I was a child I knew which streets had loose dogs that would chase me down and kill me if I dare travel them. My point is, they know lions are going to be along their path, yet they lead their cattle into THEIR territory anyway without taking one precautionary measure. There are procedures for dealing with the threat or the lions such as avoidance or using a different route or scaring them away using loud noises, etc; but they choose the path of least resistance but the path of least resistance is also the path of maximum danger for their cattle and in the end, the predator always pays with his life because of the ignorance of a simple-thinker. This same scenario probably plays itself out 1000 times a day across the African continent yet some herds complete their journey to water and back without losing one member. Either they are too stupid to plan different strategies or they are ruled by apathetic beliefs and tendencies, or they want to absolve themselves of any responsibility to protect their own cattle. The same thing happens here in America. Some ranchers have the balls to use public land to graze their cattle and want the US government to drop a nuclear bomb, figuratively speaking, to kill EVERY living creature within miles of the land where they illegally graze their cattle. Same apathetic scenario as the one in Africa, same result as Africa ... the predator pays with its life for doing what comes naturally to them. THEN we have intelligent ranchers here in America who understand the importance of the role that predators play in an ecosystem. They remember Yellowstone National Park pre-1995 when there were no wolves, no grass in the prairies, no trees, no birds or small mammals. Deer and elk populations were out of control and Yellowstone was, for the most part, a suffering wasteland, dying from the imbalance in the ecosystem due to the lack of a top predator. With the balance of nature in mind they choose to protect their livestock themselves using proven methods and the desire to coexist with wolves. Knowing that no dog is capable of facing a wolf, they spent tens of thousands of dollars on dogs from Europe equipped with spiked collars which makes them invincible to wolf attacks and eliminates the threat of wolf predation. This example of sophisticated problem-solving maintains the balance of the ecosystem and pays for itself in the long run, a win-win for wolves and the ethical rancher. Meanwhile, the piece of shit rancher who operates on greed and greed alone is trying to concince anyone who will listen that wolves are bad and will sneak into peoples homes at night while they sleep and eat their children when, in fact, wolves have only killed TWO (2) people in the 200+ year history of the United States of America and those two deaths were not proven. Who is the real animal here? Im starting to have trouble distinguishing one from the other ...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:27:01 +0000

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