This time its going to work! Luke 5:4-6 When he had finished - TopicsExpress


This time its going to work! Luke 5:4-6 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! Starting the new year off is exciting and scary at the same time. Many people just came out of a year where it seemed like nothing was going right for them. They tried and they tried but came up with nothing. Yet the spirit of God keeps speaking to them that this will be the year that it finally works! We can all think of some initiatives that we tried but they floundered. We felt like we flunked but this is the year that God gets Glory out of what previously failed. Peter had been fishing all night but didnt have anything to show for it. Jesus came up on the scene and noticed that the boats were empty and the men were washing their nets. If use the analogy of church the pews were empty and the preachers were putting their bibles in boxes. They reached a point where they were ready to give up. Jesus shows up and God works a miracle and gives the overflow! But how?! 1. Jesus tells Peter to push out into deeper water. Last year we were too shallow. This year we need to go deeper into prayer, study, and teaching. Before Jesus gave the command to push out deeper he was in the boat teaching. You cant go deeper if you do not submit to biblical teaching. Thats why we have Discipleship training on Tuesday nights at 6:30. People need deeper teaching. 2. Peter had to fight through his desire to quit. Peter told Jesus, weve been fishing all night and havent caught anything but because you say so.. You have to recognize whos talking to you. If at first you dont succeed try again when Jesus tells you to. After you go deeper throw your net out again. 3. Get help for your blessing. Peter caught so many fish he had to call in other boats to help him. When youre obedient to do what God called you to do you will not be able to do it by yourself. One church cant save a community. Its going to be churches working together to save a community. When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion! 4. When you really see God work on your behalf it should humble you instead of blowing your head up. When Peter saw the Gliry of God in the miracle of the miraculous catch he asked to Jesus to leave him. Peter didnt feel worthy once he saw the Glory of God on Jesus. When you humble yourself before the Lord thats when he will raise you up. 5. Jesus will elevate you after you push out deeper. Jesus told Peter that from now on I will make you fishers of men! Peter went from catching fish to capturing the hearts of men for the Kingdom of God. When you follow Jesus direction it always leads to elevation. Dear God, This is the year that it all comes together. Its going to work this time! Im ready to launch out into the deep. Take my teaching deeper. Take my spiritual discipline deeper. Bless my efforts as I cast my nets. Fill me up until I overflow. Show me how to partner with other Kingdom minded pastors to reach more people in the community. This is the year of overflow and its all because of you not me. In Jesus Name, Amen
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:37:45 +0000

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