This time last year I had contracted a very sever case of - TopicsExpress


This time last year I had contracted a very sever case of Pneumonia, fullfilling the requirements of something proposed to me of which I invested 3 years of hard and meticulous effort to show good faith, but when expounding why I had to ssek truth elsewhere and take a different road , rather than belt seeking or chasing rank, I found I was looked down on, despite this high Ideal coming from that very person, also looking back I saw where on the word of someone else my health and life were put in serious jeopardy due to this persons cowdice. by having someone else perform the deed, rather than the person stepping forward himself and doing it, which if it had been done the way the person had commanded it would have resulted in my death, as another unrelated health issue that surfaced a few years later would show. but looking into this and how it occurred and the broken promises and deceit, by this person hiding in the background, it became necessary to look into this persons credentials and background, since what I learn while under the guidance of another school was not only totally different, but the correct curriculum, not some hybrid put together from to disparate mutually incompatible systems.. No one can imagine the surprise nor anger I experienced when this person turned out to be something other than what he had claimed, that there was no record of him in Okinawa, and that furthermore the Grand Founder of the system he claimed was never awarded a Judan(10th Degree Black Belt or Red Belt), by committee or teacher, but gave it to himself, and it was rubber stamped by another Karate School he had never studied with or under, all of which brought this person under a great deal of criticism from his contemporaries at the time.. but later this historical sham was kept hidden. My aggravation was further compounded when I also found he and none of his students prior to a certain date could or would ever be recognized in either Japan nor Okinawa this was confirmed by an associate living in Okinawa who is a well known and published Author And Karate researcher and Historian who revealed that none of this schools so called black belts or Shodan or above are legitimate, and all were subject to Censure and DISCOMMENDATION.. bottom line they were not real recognised Black Belts or would ever be acknowledged as such,by other Organisations or Schools, they could not be promoted, nor could they test in Okinawa or Japan for higher rank, nor could they register with nor be recognised as having either no rank at all or being anything other than 10th Kyu despite decades of training, by the Kokusai Budoin Kokusai Budo Renmei, The JKF, The WKF, SKA ,JSKA, Shotokai , and especially no recognition from or acknowledgement of their ranks or authenticity by the two most important organization ever, those being, Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (DNBK) WRBBOF- World Registry of Black Belts or Okinawa Karate Federation , they are not recognised nor acknowledged by any of the major organizations.. but that will not be the case of Bujin Ryu, and the fact that Bujin Ryu has also adopted the current status of non recognition and discommendation toward this organization, and has requested that I permanently suspend all martial arts related or martial science related exchanges, commerce and recognition due to the fact their founder as well as other well known practitioners from Okinawa have had their true ranks and awards called into question,, spanning a period from 1959 to 1990.. even one who was awarded a Shodan by Eizo Shimabukuro in a 3 month period and finally promoted to 5th Dan within the space of two years afterward.. despite the fact that others in the organization have legitimate and verifiable yudansha from other schools..
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 08:35:34 +0000

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