This to Bill Coffey here: So do we think the plebiscite in which - TopicsExpress


This to Bill Coffey here: So do we think the plebiscite in which 97% of Crimeans voted to join Russia (the nation with the same language as they) was faked, staged, phony? And if they did vote as they seem to have voted, we have the right to declare it illegal (how IS that, by the way - why cant folks like you and me get an explanation, that while Russians and Europeans are being told EXACTLY why it IS legal...?). And what ABOUT those other countries (Bill suggested sarcastically that Europe might be taken over by Russia, too): if their people vote to side with - or, even, be annexed by Russia (or, for that matter, Lower Slobbovia), do they have that right - or is it illegal? And, by the way, is that what illegal means - against U.S. interests? I, for one, am damned tired of all these situation ethics (that was originally an American liberal tenet, you know...) and special meanings (also a liberal forte). When we invade a country - all out, full panoply of military might, shooting, bombing (shock and awe), and killing at will - its liberation; when someone else does it - invited and without firing a shot - its an invasion. Is it any damned wonder most of the world hates us...?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:51:44 +0000

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