This track... making the journey all the more bareable. Thank you - TopicsExpress


This track... making the journey all the more bareable. Thank you to my epic House of Yoga Redfern Thurday morning students for turning my frown upside down. Im really going to miss you guys over the next 2 weeks. No more studio teaching for me until April 24... feels like forever-away!! Half way through this mornings class I though -- holy crap -- How can I not see these guys for 2 whole weeks? There I go again, teaching a class on non-attachment and feeling oh so attached to oh so many things... thanks again yoga for sticking a mirror in front of my face and reminding me of all the work I need to do! When you become the observer of your own life the struggles become so much more interesting... when you step outside and view the shittier moments as special gifts hand delivered as chances to grow and transform even the most turbulent sh*tstorm can start to feel like an incredible opportunity. Deep breaths... and let that sh*t GO!! #svadyaya #becometheobserver #pratyahara #anopenheartlife #trustintheprocess #trustintheuniverse
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:27:28 +0000

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