This update is long overdue. Hope I dont ramble too much. So - TopicsExpress


This update is long overdue. Hope I dont ramble too much. So Diego finished out the school year and we decided it was bet to hold him back and have him repeat first grade. This was a very hard decision for me. I had much guilt over this but in the end a friend/neighbor helped me by saying if it was her she would want his year to be as stress free as possible. It made so much sense after that. He had hated going to school and it was a struggle everyday. I did not want to do that for 2nd grade and have him continue to be behind. He started back to school this week and was super excited to get Mr Alban. He had actually cried last year when he found out he did not get him so this made him totally fine with doing 1st grade again. the week started out great but this morning was horrible. Took me an hour to get him ready this morning. He just did not want to go. He doesnt handle change really well and I think he is overtired. Finally got him to school almost 30 min late and could not get him down the hall. The social worker and assistant teacher ended up telling me to leave and as I turned and walked away he was crying begging me to stay. So hard. I am praying when I pick him up he will be fine. And we will be having an early bedtime tonight. He has been complaining a lot this week about his belly. I am not sure if it is school nerves, stomach bug, or something worse. I dont really think the cancer is back but of course your mind goes there and Monday night that is exactly what Diego said. I had to reassure him it was not back. But of course there is always a chance that it is. I sent a text to his doctor and I am waiting for a call back just for reassurance. He has his next scans on Aug 26th so at the very least we will know by then. He also has an OT/PT evaluation on Aug 20th (earliest they could get him in). He is having pain on and off behind his left knee. We had it looked at by a rheumatologist at camp who thought it might be his hip and suggested OT/PT evaluation. He is also still having trouble writing. He will write some but generally it is lists and he usually only puts like first letter. His handwriting is worse then it was before cancer. And it almost seems like he has trouble getting the idea from his head to his hand. Hopefully this evaluation will give us some answers. otherwise physically he is doing well. Running around, getting stronger and gaining weight. He is 48lbs now. A year ago he was 36lbs so this is great. And not really related to Diego but at the beginning of the summer I lost my job so I have been playing the stay at home mom role. Been looking for a job and also trying o build my Young Living business. So lots of change over here. I will hopefully do a post soon on the fun things that we have gotten to do lately (Camp Sunshine, Mile of Hope, Marvel Universe Live and this Friday Christmas in July at marbles museum). Thank you everyone for the prayers and support. We really appreciate it and fell blessed to have you all joining us on this journey.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:00:45 +0000

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