This vicious cycle of hatred HAS to end. Im posting this article, - TopicsExpress


This vicious cycle of hatred HAS to end. Im posting this article, followed by several others, to address the growing radical racism, xenophobia, and religious/ethnic intolerance/supremacy on both sides of this ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict as it is a symbolic microcosm and source of global hatred against both Arabs/Muslims and Jews. I dont find the statement made by Yonathon Arfi entirely true; yes, there is a profound (and pre-existing) hatred, but from whence did it come? This latest massacre in Gaza has fed it generously, instead of starving it through positive steps and acts of good faith and good will. When will people understand Israels decades-long oppression of the Palestinians (who are overwhelmingly Arab and of a Muslim majority) only breeds anger, rage, and hatred in the hearts of its victims and in the minds of other humans who view this continued violence (in Gaza and the West Bank) as aggressions against their brothers and sisters? When will both sides and their allies understand we are all planetary brothers and sisters? When will people understand this cycle is doomed to keep repeating itself until humans are able to find their higher selves and choose humility, acceptance, healing, and human solidarity instead of hatred, rage, retaliation, revenge? When and how will people whove been oppressed and aggressed for years--people whose families have been maimed and murdered, whose homes have been stolen, whose children have been kidnapped and detained or killed, whove been treated with contempt and condemned from the moment they were born, only because of the luck of the draw, because of default circumstances and conditions beyond their control, like the place they were born, the color of their skin, the faith of their parents, and other terms and constructs we use to classify and categorize, to define our collective identities, to develop detrimental systems of inclusion and exclusion based on misguided notions of superiority and inferiority, to feel a bogus sense of belonging by associating ourselves with a clan or tribe, to identify us versus them--overcome their anguish, abandon their anger, and heal their hearts with love and compassion instead of becoming infected by hatred? And finally, when will people realize that their leaders are rarely operating in the best interest of the public -- that theyre usually motivated by power and greed? This is why its so critical that the people--and the global public--unite and take a stand against the corrupt politicians and delusional religious leaders that continue to indoctrinate one generation after another with hateful ideologies and religious doctrines. Any religion or regime that preaches exclusion, extermination of the other, or revenge is an insult to humanity if you ask me...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:50:51 +0000

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