This video? Because communication is enlightenment to the minds - TopicsExpress


This video? Because communication is enlightenment to the minds that dont understand, speaking of the relationships with minorities and or people of color and law enforcement, politics, law makers....we have an gap, burned bridge when it comes to trust, relations socializing... .my story? Well, as we know I look up to Dr.mlk jr and what he stood for, but when I learned what gov officials and federal agents did to Dr king and his family, those around Dr king jr, trust sizzled into ashes and you cant mention F.B.I around me while speaking of Dr Mlk Jr without my temper graduating, I just do a good job at humbling myself...... but more important is it not an picture of silver background and golden apples (noticable) when you look at history and see how the people that actually cared for this nation, the advancment, prosperity of the people were either killed or politically imprisoned as we are left with folk in power, which couldnt give two damns about the people?.... ah, just an expression that I needed to express, dont like it? Keep moving, theres millions of other Facebook accounts to visit.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:04:37 +0000

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