This video deserves its own post, Bill. Uh... is this from the - TopicsExpress


This video deserves its own post, Bill. Uh... is this from the Onion? Of course I can give a right to someone else that I dont have. I just honer the right I have proclaimed. There are no rights but those defined by the consent of others. In other words, you have no rights except for those granted by the willingness of others to honor them. The Constitution is just such a law, written on paper by people that we all just agree to. I think most understand that. All laws are just what we agree to. I think it is similarly understood that our flawed government with its constitution and so-called representative nature and separation of powers is an attempt to declare and protect the rights of the greatest number of people through our shared consent and seeks to minimize the ability of the few to oppress the many. Belief in authority does not lead people to advocate for and do things they wouldnt otherwise do. The presence of authority provides the approval people seek for what they are willing to do but fear condemnation. I dont know what planet this author is on, but on this one, there are many places where the lack of state power leaves people vulnerable to the heinous reality of what people would otherwise do. School didnt train you to seek approval, your parents did. Not just them, all people. You naturally like for those around you to be in good spirits and people are not in good spirits when you dont do as they wish you would. This guy is still hurt about his Mom telling him to shut up whining about how he doesnt think he should have to do this or that. And much much more...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:53:24 +0000

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