This video has been circulating online via various social media - TopicsExpress


This video has been circulating online via various social media sites and has gone viral! ITS ALL ABOUT LIES! LIES! LIES! Reminder! ANTI-ISLAMIC VIDEO ALERT. Please Dont miss reading even one line. Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah!! There is short video of a confused Indian-looking man, circulating around on whatsapp etc and he claims he was once a confused Muslim and after reading the whole Quran and analysing how the Quran talks about Jesus, etc..he thinks every Muslim should become a Christian!! Subhaanallah. AstaqfurAllah. Some Christians are happily forwarding dis video, its gone viral ...but some Muslims are still asking about it.. cos it seems, dey are confused on how to respond to the fabrications in the video!! Alhamdulillaah! There is a response to the confused man‘s blatant lies. If you havent seen it then dont waste your precious time to listen to those trash else you waste your data. Doubt 1: Muhammad is mentioned 5 times by name but Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Quran. So Jesus is the greatest. Response: 1. The no. of times a person is mentioned by name does not in and of itself make the person great. Moses is mentioned by name 136 times in the Quran. Does that make him the greatest? Pharoah is mentioned by name 74 times in the quran. So can it also be concluded that pharoah is greater than jesus who is mentioned by name 25 times? 2. Jesus was at the center of so many controversies: the jews considered him to be a bastard and an imposter. Some christians regard him as God and/ or son of God while others regard him as a prophet. So there was the need for clarification on his status. Hence, the Quran, being the final revelation,was sent down to set the records straight. It therefore becomes imperative to mention jesus by name anytime issues concerning him are being addressed in order not live any room for doubt, confusion and speculation about who is being spoken about. The personality of Prophet Muhammad, on the other hand, was not entangled in this kind of confusion. So he was only mentioned by name to establish that he is indeed the prophet and messenger of God. It is surprisng some one will make this assuptions and say Jesus is God....Chapter 4:171...where the spirit from God is mentioned dat Jesus is no more than a messenger of mention dat we should believe in Allah and His messengers cautions us not to say tells us Allah is One why the assuption that Jesus is God cuz he is a spirit frm God...the critics jux cherry pick phrases from the Quran and subject them to the kind of logic they hav been doing to their Bible. Even in chapter 3: 38-39 of the Holy quran...Yahya ( John the Baptist) is also referred to as Kalimatuallah....that is word of Allah. In fact if u read chapter 3:45-51 the place where Jesus is referred to as word frm Allah!...the verse 51 reads It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight....this clearly tells u Jesus is not God. Doubt 2: Mohammed was born by a man and woman bt Jesus was conceived by the Holy spirit born of a virgin. Again this shows Jesus is greater Response: * If bcos Jesus had a mother without a father makes him great or the son of God,then Adam is the greatest and most suitable to be the son of God bcos he did not even have a mother. * In Islam, holy spirit refers to Angel Gabriel( surah 19:16-22 and surah 3:45). The word spirit(Rooh in arabic) also refers to a soul(surah 38:71-72). Thus,when God decided to create Jesus in the womb of Mary, He sent Angel Gabriel to breath the spirit(soul) of Jesus into her.(surah 3:45, surah 66:12). Bear in mind that Adam also became a living being when the spirit(soul) from God was breathed into him as mentioned in surah 38:71-72. The same applies to all the descendant of Adam. God chose to create Adam without a father and a mother, creates Jesus with a mother but no father, creates the rest of mankind with fathers and mothers. In all these modes of creation,specific spirits(soul) are breathed for human to become living. This is to make manifest to man the creational power of God to create what He wants and how He likes. Instead of them( ie christians and their likes) glorifying God for His creational power, they rather resort to worshipping and glorifying what has been created. This is indeed the greatest injustice!!! Doubt3: Quran agrees Jesus is a word of Allah,and Allah created the Earth with the word, so Jesus is the creator Response: Yes, Jesus came into existence as a result of a command from God with the word Be! - and he was. This same command brings everything into existence. If he wishes to create anything, He will just command Be and it will be. Allah says in surah 3:59: Verily the likeness of Jesus in the sight of Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust then said to him: Be!- and he was. How can one who was created become the creator!!!! Allah also says in surah 36:82: Verily, His(Allahs) command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be!- and it is. The word is therefore the creational command from Allah which brought everything into existence including Jesus. A spirit frm Allah does not Indicate Jesus is God..... Chapter 15 verse 29 of the Quran reads... When i have fashioned him ( in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.....that was Adam...thus dat make him God?? Indeed, there isnt a single verse in the entire bible where jesus claimed divinity to himself . He called himself a mediator bn God and Man. 1st Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. This is clear enough to refute any Christian. Lets seek knowledge and protect our eemaan. Allah mentioned in quran 3-100 that if we listen or follow some of the Christians they will deviate us into kufur which means they are actually practicing kufur. We ask Allah to guide the misguided ones to Islam, the only true way to the Creator(Allah). Amiin.. https://youtube/watch?v=WjUXd4qW9mg
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:21:46 +0000

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