This video has been published 4 times now. Although it is within - TopicsExpress


This video has been published 4 times now. Although it is within time limits Youtube states, it was removed by Youtube for being OVER THEIR STATED TIME LIMIT.... My last videos exceeded what this one originally timed out to be. I now have taken 15 seconds off the original version, right at the end where I was saying, Bye for now. Love you all! Below is the original message posted with the original video. When it rains, it pours. There was a post yesterday about New Age deceptions, about the RV, ET landings and all these false messages about dates and other such things that New Age Channels of 4th Dimensional level (at the highest) are bringing forth. Persons keep following these messages, many times because it makes them feel good…. Which THAT IS GOOD…. But not how reality works as that can very easily backfire as those events and dates don’t play out as was told by those who channel the messages. Always there are excuses and persons pardon those who brought forth such. The downside to that is that persons have put so much energies, THEIR OWN ENERGIES into those dates and events and future potentials that they are counting on to change their life. When it does not happen then they get very down and depressed as THAT INDIVIDUAL was being ir-response-able to their own personal mastery… They gave up their power, energy and personal manifestation mastery…. It will be wonderful as persons finally realize that the power resides within self. One MUST master their own thought, emotion, and spiritual diet in order to develop their personal mastery…. NO ONE is coming to do this for you…. There will be NO PODS that can give you the LIGHT as well as take out that resistance (which requires mastery) that keeps or neutralizes one’s personal manifestation powers…. As a co-creator god…. It is up to the individual to realize what is going on here and that EVERYTHING outside of one’s own heart IS THE ILLUSION…. Ha… Sooner or later the collective of humanity will finally get it. I don’t worry as that is what all this chaos is all about as NOTHING will change from our focusing on the exterior, until and unless each and EVERYONE changes their OWN INTERIOR… aka… HEART and perceptions which generates their reality. The User’s Manual for this Earth Transportation Mechanism we inhabit is only found inside your heart…. Only there will one master how this works…. With LOVE! bb Here is a GREAT article about this New Age Deception…. I highly recommend reading this… Its good! wakeup-world/2014/09/16/the-event-deception-another-dangling-carrot/?utm_campaign=Wake+Up+World+e-Newsletter&utm_content=The+Latest+Article+Headlines&utm_medium=email&utm_source=getresponse
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:12:17 +0000

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