This video help explains why society should become more - TopicsExpress


This video help explains why society should become more sophisticated and accepting of transgender people. They are what they are as a blessing, because God does not make mistakes. Their choice in life to transition gender is not a fetish choice. They are not a freaks. They like America and apple pie as much as anyone. Many are or would be a member of your faith and worship with you, supporting your faith community. If they are not present, is it because your faith community shows them fear and hate instead of the courage of love and affirmation? The heart of a transgender person is filled with the same love and grace of God that all of us are born with, and that God wants us to share. Is your God-given grace to love others being handicapped by an unfounded fear of differences? Are you automatically condemning and excluding those who arent a lot like you?? Give transgender people a place in your world. Treat them as you want others to treat yourself. Affirm their legal and employment rights. Invite them to your place of worship, not to change them, but to affirm them as Gods intentional creation, beautiful as every person is in Gods eyes. Respect their human dignity, the same dignity God gives every human being and expects us to show to one another. For Gods sake... at least give transgender people, especially young students, access to safe public or school bathrooms of their gender identity. Dont force transgender girls to use mens toilets where they might be groped, bullied, beaten or raped. Show empathy for their human needs when some in society are quick to deny them... needs we take for granted and expect for ourselves as a right in any civilized country. Enjoy the diversity of human existence. Dont fear and punish transgender people for being different. Most of us know that discrimination is wrong regarding race, regarding immigrants with English handicaps, regarding people exercising their (different) faiths, regarding people with physical handicaps or kids with learning handicaps, etc. Its high time some Americans get over their discomfort with transgender people. The transgender person is just as capable of being an ambitious, successful citizen as anyone else, and thereby contributing to a better society as we all should do. Why destroy their chance to realize their full potential in life and become contributors to humanitys greatness? Some people will stick to their prejudices regardless of any logic or explanation I or others might offer. In life, what goes around comes around. Ill will has a boomerang effect. When someone discriminates and tries to change or punish a transgender child, they might just end-up denying themselves a future doctor, lawyer, or talented employee they will critically need at a time when the professional needed happens be a transgender person. If youre handicapping or punishing transgender people, I invite you to re-examine your prejudices and fears. If you see the merits of changing from exclusiveness and condemnation to openness, acceptance and equality, then also become proactive. Reconcile with the transgender community you use to hurt. Do so by actively supporting their rights and affirming their dignity. Become a person who lifts up and aids others rather than one who attacks with the intention to hurt them. Remember that silence and complicity in the face of evil is empowering evil. I believe that God takes note of that... The easiest and quickest way to rise above a discomfort with transgender people is simply to get know people in the transgender community. Friend on Face Book transgender people who share your career, interests, hobbies, or faith. You might already know them without realizing they are a transgender person. You might have no idea that your past comments and affiliaitons caused them to hide their truth from you out of fear of your reaction. Eliminate such fear by changing your heart and your words. Open your heart and mind to those you now condemn or avoid for being different. I created a Face Book group to celebrate the achievements of transgender people, to advocate for transgender rights, and promote the objectives of individuals with worthy goals. I invite you to take a look at it. Read the About tab. To see my Face Book group Transgender Achievements And Excellence To Celebrate, go here: facebook/groups/511675092264621/
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 20:36:10 +0000

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