This video is a collage of many different videos spanning over - TopicsExpress


This video is a collage of many different videos spanning over years of those who have open eyes to the complete and distinct fact that governments and corporations across the planet collude with one another for profit, destruction and in the end there can only be death. Bankers, not the small man, but large corporate top tier banking elitists maneuver trillions of dollars each day globally in an effort to shift entire countries away from the peace and relative happiness it may have once had, into a war ravaged area unable to sustain life. All of this in an effort to control entire continents of people to be capitulated into servitude. All assets stripped, all resources allocated into allied hands which only serve to strengthen and continue the very next day that which it has been doing for the last one hundred years. There is an important reason why American history and our founders are adamant about dissolving central banks. These monstrosities eventually engulf states, countries, continents and then a world order or system may be implemented for complete monetary control over everyone. We here in this country are used to this idea, but have little knowledge in how our money works or where it comes from. This is the most important issue of our time. It is this that allows the entire system to operate. Our debt, is there enormous gains. Our energy, working our entire lives, are given to them through an unavoidable taxation scheme that has been in operation since the 1930s. We are being stripped of our wealth, so that bankers and government rogues can forever continue their quest for world domination. It isnt as if imperialism is a new idea. We all know of the history of Asia and Middle eastern turmoil lasting for thousands of years. Would we want this to continue for yet another thousand years having the most ruthless psychopaths mastering the reigns of the helm of the beast? I think no, but it is our silent consent which allows it to continue. It is our lack of intelligence of it which allows for our complete manipulation. They use methods which create invisible fences that herd us to a point precisely where they want us to be. Currently, if it exists and is occurring, this is only due to their influences. Remember, everything other than gifts use money. This debt money is continuously used to fund education indoctrination, bought media and entire generations that cannot see outside of the box that they have created. Our realities are being engineered without our consent. Pharmaceuticals are used to keep us docile to this fact. All current authorities are controlled by the same few men. Banks are controlled by the same few men. Media is controlled by the same few men. Ultimately all of these are controlled by the same few families which have remained the true masters for over one hundred years. They control what we see, what we feel, and how we think. If they can do this they control the world and it is only a matter of time before their vast infrastructure is complete. At that time, they will absolutely control it all. Being free will be an indoctrinated false reality, as it already is to some extent. Freedom today, is but a word which symbolizes how many soft drinks we choose from, or what fast food brand we eat. There is no true choice to stop paying taxes, to have our police act on our behalves and not the states, or to end the wars which have killed and injured millions spanning several hundred years. Our entries/exits into and out of the Country are now controlled by these very same sly men. They allow the illegal immigrants to enter in the millions per year, but in order to take a week vacation we must show passport, id and withstand embarrassment as they search our naked bodies in microwave scanners. They do this to throw in your face your lack of resolve and ignorance to their existence. We take their authority and never question their purpose. To lie is to succeed in their eyes. This way they sell you the right to lose your rights as a human. One boy on a plan with fake explosive in his underwear scares an entire armed nation of 300 million people and now we are escorted in and out of our own borders. Everything and everyone is tracked and traced without the use of radio frequency identification technology. We are constantly being treated like the enemy, when the enemies are those who pass poor legislation to allow failed banks to rake in trillions of our stolen money, only to sell the idea back to us that we are more stable now that our wealth is being distributed among the richest in the world. Our government hands over checks like candy by so-called humanitarian aid to Israel, but what is really occurring is we are witnessing first hand our complicit roll in genocide. These facts arent even hidden. It is self evident if you only look at the facts themselves and not what you are being told. History says this is a lie. This is not the first time a bubble has burst, nor is it the first time that bankers have been caught setting up the market to crash, only to consolidate smaller banks at pennys on the dollar. A world system is truly being created. Perhaps we will not see the entire picture coming into focus within our lifetimes, but the masters have put forth their families and lives for the sake of seeing this to fruition. This is the research that I have been working on for nearly ten years of my life. It is all available at your very fingers and at this very moment. There is enough information to keep you entertained for the rest of your life and new explosive information streams out everyday. If you begin to spend your time sifting through all of the data pertaining to this, you will find lies and truth all mixed into one fun basket. It is up to us to interpret what is the truth, because it is there for all to see. Surely, these men did not spend their entire lives and their childrens lives banking on winning this perverse war of the mind without hiding their blatant nature from the masses of people able to read and write? well, the truth is, they have written about this for as long as the plan has been in existence. They have no intention of hiding it. It is their way of winning on every front. If we do not learn how to play the game that they are forcing us to play and exposing this to everyone, we are nothing more than cannon fodder being used for their evil intentions. Its funny, but Henry Kissinger even called troops that fight these wars pawns. None of these men are afraid of losing, yet none of these men could defend themselves through their weak nature. Their strength lies in their deceptive capabilities. Once that veil is lifted, it will spell the end of one hundred years of decimation they have wrought upon the world. Here are a few tags words so that you can begin your research into their dastardly lives full of death. Jp morgan, david rockefeller, jd rockefeller, adam weishaupt, carnegie, harimon, warburg and many many more. With research youll soon realize that these few have controlled every major charity, health institution, ivy league educational institution, banking institution and governments since before our grandparents were born.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:08:07 +0000

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