This video is long, almost an hour but I thought it was well put - TopicsExpress


This video is long, almost an hour but I thought it was well put together and have seen parts of it before. As I was watching it, I found another million coincidences and here they are; Ok, lets take a look at this; ---->The Huffington Post, Haaretz and other Jewish owned media calls Barack Obama the First Jewish President. ---->The Ebola Czar Ron Klain is Jewish ---->The head of the CDC Tom Freiden is Jewish (Who said we must not close the borders or stop international flights from West Africa) ---->The New York Times is owned by Jews and the guy who did the story is Benjamin Solomon a Jewish writer and professional gay living in New York City. That gets us four minutes and fifty-five seconds into the video. *Eleven minutes in; Neon Green was the color of the Mister Yuck stickers of the 80s given out by schools and fire departments for parents to put on the Pine Sol bottle! From a meaning of colors perspective, green is also the color of growth, ---->When you get to eleven minutes and twenty-two seconds into the video it is no surprise to see another Jewish reporter because 96% of all US media is owned by 6 Jewish corporations, so Joshua Barajas is no shock at all! *BACK TO THE SYMBOLISM OF GREEN THEN! BIBLE SYMBOLISM; Trees both green and dry are often used in scripture to represent nations, And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the LORD, have brought down the high tree and exalted the low tree, dried up the green tree and made the dry tree flourish; I, the LORD, have spoken and have done it. Ezek 17:24 Trees can also symbolise nations that are to be punished by God: Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it shall devour every green tree and every dry tree in you; the blazing flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be scorched by it. Ezekiel 20:47 Green trees were also connected with idol worship and the turning away from God: For they also built for themselves high places, sacred pillars, and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree. 1Kings 14:23 The fragility of human life is described as mankind being like the GREEN grass of the field which grows up quickly, flourishing for a time, but soon withering and dying again. Thirteen minutes, fifty-seven seconds in, the reporter, Geoffrey York did a cover up story on the African Congo when it was reported that there was NOT an upsurge in the 2012 violence in the eastern Congo. The New York Times was dissatisfied with the report and sent Geoffrey York to re-report what they wanted to hear about (Wait for it...) TERRORISTS! So, since Geoffrey York was sooooooooo good about writing of terrorists that no1 else saw in the Congo, they send him to Liberia 2014. And the newspaper is ultra-ultra zionist, hard core Israeli! Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of and the paper is edited by Adam Horowitz. (Jewish and Jewish) ALL STORIES FROM THAT NEWSPAPER (That I provided a link to) ARE DIRECTLY APPROVED BY TOP OFFICIALS IN THE STATE OF IsraLIE! So, from the crisis they created in Congo to the crisis they created in Liberia! Fourteen minutes, twenty-one seconds into the video; There is a hit song in West Africa called Ebola is Real. This song was made by UNICEF, FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION UNICEF! Lets take a look at this January 2013 story, shall we? ---->After More Than 40 Years, Israel Rejoins UNICEF Executive Board WELL, WUUU-DEE-YA-KNOW?! Israel has a long history with the organization. UNICEF was established in 1946 by Ludwik Rajchman, a Jewish-Polish pediatrician. Dr. Rajchman’s original idea was to promote the hollowhoax through an international charity! THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE; “Israel has an excellent network of connections with the organization. The Israeli Fund for UNICEF, operating from Tel Aviv, has raised millions of shekels for the organization’s activities for the benefit of children around the world. Israel also cooperates with the organization in various areas of assistance projects in Third World countries. YOU DONT SAY?! What a coincidence! The Atlanta Site is partnered with CFR and over 85% of CFR members share the same religion....want to guess what that religion is? YOURE RIGHT, THEYRE MAINLY ALL JEWISH! Fifteen minutes into the video; On April 30, 1994, President Clinton signed the International Broadcasting Act (Public Law 103-236). The legislation established the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) Voice of America is run by IBB and the position of IBB Director was appointed by Barack Obama in 2010. His name is Richard Lobo who received a Civic Achievement Award from the American Jewish committee. And the ridiculousness just goes on and on and on because then we get a Russian Jew in his place after he retires, named Jeffry Trimble who is a fluent Russian-speaker, graduationg from studies in Moscow, and in 1991-92 was a fellow at the Joan Shorenstein Center (JEWISH) he did radio free Europe and the moral is this; THESE FAKE CHOSEN PEOPLE OF THE KHAZARIAN EMPIRE MAKE UP 0.22% OF THE GLOBES POPULATION AND THEY RUN EVERYTHING ON THE GLOBE! Then we could talk about Glaxo Smith Kilne if you want too, are you ready for more chosen people? Because the International company started Jewish and swallowed up many others and has a Jewish CEO. Its always a million Jewish coincidences and nobody is allowed to notice or say anything if they do notice because then you get called racist, Anti-semite. TOO MUCH!!!! Its a long watch but a good one. And I showed you the ISIS connection with the ALS Challenge where Glaxo Smith Kline and another Israeli located pharmaceutical company in Palestine experiments with aborted fetus cells and where people scream Ice us!/ISIS as they were baptized into herd mentality and the proceeds go to benefit rich chosen people doing stem cell research from IsraLIE, REALLY RICH, FILTHY RICH JEWS, this past summer and before 911 ISIS was well known as the acronym for Mossad; Israeli Secret Intelligence Services. And now its not Mossad anymore, now its Islamic terror and we have both these manufactured crisis so we can all unite under United Nations and its subsidiary, World Health Organization or WHO. Its too much! TOO MANY COINCIDENCES!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 16:07:11 +0000

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