This video is of my grandson Kyler who is 3 1/2. He was diagnosed - TopicsExpress


This video is of my grandson Kyler who is 3 1/2. He was diagnosed at 2 1/2 January 2014. He is high functioning with speech impairment. At that time he was having to use sign language as he only said Mama and Mimi (me) and utterances at that time. He was very repetitive. He did not play and had no imaginary play, his toy of choice was coins. He would carry them every where and move them from one container to another, socks, coin purses, bowls, anything that would hold them, and he would do it over and over again. With the help of continued speech therapies, starting Pre K and lots of youtube videos of him watching people play with paw patrol toys his progress is mind blowing. I whole heartedly believe he learned how to play by watching the videos. He is so smart its amazing. In 5 months time he has gone from one and two word utterances to sentences, he recognizes all letters of the alphabet, can spell his name, can tell us the first letter of our names, and the names of some of his classmates, he knows over 100 words in sign language, can count to 10, knows his colors and some shapes. Even though his speech articulation is poor and a lot of times quite hard to understand, the difference is astonishing! His social has improved somewhat, and he still has food issues, and VERY particular about how things are done, but we are working hard at these with the help of his school. Transitions work with the help of a timer and picture schedule. As long as we have those hes good to go, for the most part. We are so very proud of him! He is definitely differently abled, and he is my hero! Mimi loves you Kyler! I watched videos from all last year along with this one and thought this could definitely be inspiring and offer some hope to parents and grandparents. Thank you for letting me post this.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:58:48 +0000

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