This video puts to rest concerns some have expressed about - TopicsExpress


This video puts to rest concerns some have expressed about Edward Snowdens continuing contributions to the dialogue about the balance between national security and personal privacy - and the concerns raised that his information isnt being entirely controlled or gagged; with his information strictly parceled out by the newly-launched, Pierre Omidyar- sponsored media venture, First Look. This is especially comforting, in light of the fact that last week, it was revealed that Omidyar made financial contributions towards the Fascist, US-backed rioting militias in the streets of Ukraine. Edward Snowden speaks here to the TED2014 audience in Vancouver British Columbia from a remote location in Russia via a telepresence robot. He speaks with his extraordinary trademark articulateness and with such an astounding degree of integrity and honor on the many, many topics this far uncovered: such as the deputization of telecommunications and social media corporations, to do dirty work on the behalf of the NSA, which was technically illegal for the NSA to do, to begin with (spying on US Citizens); on how these activities have opened up the doors not just to the NSAs snooping but for any other entities espionage teams to do the same. In effect, by enjoining US businesses to spy on their own clients, the NSA has weakened Americas National Security. Snowden also speaks on the efforts of the NSA to disable SSLs (Secure Sockets Layers) - which currently protect banking and credit card activities and are something, which Snowden feels should be a part of the coding of every page on the Internet, to return privacy to its users. To those who would say, Im not doing anything wrong, I dont care if theyre spying on everything I do, he brings up the issue that agents from other governments, years down the road could misinterpret plane rides you took and purchases you made, to wrongfully charge you with crimes you did not commit: Your rights matter, he says, because you never know when youre going to need them. Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest, the founder of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. Snowden speaks here on so many other vitally important items, it truly makes ones head spin. This video is so enlightening, light-hearted and inspirational, yet it is as serious as any topic imaginable - it is simply not to be missed! (Video: around 10 mins):
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:51:30 +0000

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