This virtual reality world in which we live sometimes condemns - TopicsExpress


This virtual reality world in which we live sometimes condemns our true feelings and emotions. And thats fine, its okay. Our innovative, informative, dirty, funny status updates and comments do at times reflect on who we are. Yes at times they really do to the greatest extent but other times they do not. As social beings, we appear to be angry with the justice or political system but happy with ourselves. Similarly, we are deemed by our counterparts as content. Consequently, we forget that we all have personal struggles with which we have to deal on a daily basis. These struggles, of ofcourse differ from person to person. One commonality they share though is that if they are not properly dealt with, they could result to some rather undesirable situations. Luckily for me, I have been blessed (I hope this is the case for everyone else) with a certain someone who helps me through such struggles and expects nothing in return. This man makes me feel loved, special, cared for, comfortable (Im sure all his other friends share the same sentiments) and its his birthday today.. So thank you Samuel Ntabejane Mokoalibane for your constant love and support. Youre the best guy friend ever. Happy birthday, my wish for you is that you continue being the best friend, best daddy, best partner and best servant that you are. May God our Father continue to work through you. Enjoy it and be safe. Aunt B loves you nana
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:15:50 +0000

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