This war is far beyond hanging and killing terrorists. After - TopicsExpress


This war is far beyond hanging and killing terrorists. After hundreds of horrific act of terrorism including Airport attack & Peshawar school attack, still there are millions of Pakistanis who have soft corner for these terrorists, justifying them in name of reaction against Drones & Army actions in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Army can fight, kill & eliminate but, on the ideological front, which is the biggest & most difficult front to fight extremism, its upon the shoulders of Political parties, Civil society & media. I am not just referring to coverage of media & condemning terrorism in our social gatherings or considering it henious acts against humanity within ourselves and with people around us. It has much more to do as a nation first and than it rests on the shoulders of those who are in that position & authority and have responsibility to do so, by it i mean Government of Pakistan and as subjects of the state, its publics responsibility to provide them with much needed support to carry out these Initiatives. - Passing a constitutional amendment in parliament were any sort of support financially, Ideologically & publicly, is a crime. Anyone justifying terrorism should be a crime it self under public orders act of Pakistan. Anyone found supporting or even justifying terror activity should be imprisoned to set an example. One should not be allowed to support killing in name of freedom of expression. - Our educational curriculum needs to be radically changed, carrying out in dept review and analysis of effects of orders of Jihad & Qatal, treatment to religious minorities, rights of other religious communities, there status in an Islamic state, and specially the concept of Islamic state in Islam & Its balance with the state affairs in a modern day state. This is a huge task but one of the most important ones to do. - No parallel educational system should be allowed. All Madrisaas, however neutral and impartial they are and their curriculum may be, they should be revisited & controlled by government and should be run on exactly same lines as any of the government educational institutes are run by government . A balance should strike between religious education & traditional educational system. - Its not just Talibaan, We have laskra-Jhangvi, Sipa-e-shaba, Jes-ay Mohammad, Sunni group, Ihrara - ul Hind, Hirkat ul Muhiddin etc. These religious fighting groups are far older than emergence of TTP and they have been spear heading sectarian violence in Pakistan. We have to eliminate them as well. - Loud speaker in Masajids have been most common methods of spreading religious hatred among our society specially in remote areas. A recent Kot Rahda Kishan incident of killing a Christian family and burning them alive, was instigated massively in the surroundings through loud speakers in near by Masjids. - There should be a clear regulation about not using loud speakers of Masajids except Azaan & Jumma Khutaba. Jumma Khutaba should also be regulated & released by Religious ministry through a Uleema board and should be same across the country. There should be criminal proceedings against violation and misuse of Masjid loud speaker. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab countries follows exactly the same model through Mosques Regulation Acts. - Killing & violence are extremely dangerous for social fabric of any society. In Pakistan, our investigation & criminal justice systems are very week. 85% murder cases in Pakistan go unresolved. This is a huge challenge to over come if we want to normalize things in Pakistan. Criminal proceeding must lead to a conclusive end to wide spread a clear message to all that crime will not be spared. I know it has thousands of details, Police overhauls, criminal & judicial proceeding, introducing completely new policing system, Judicial reviews & systems etc. As a nation we have to step into it, better be doing it than never. - National behaviors have much to do with literacy and education of any nation. If we want to get rid of violence, sectarianism & hatred which eventually leads to terrorism in any of its from, We have to revive educational system at all levels through government schools. Further, we have to work on our educational standards in general. Any of such initiative, how meager it may be, will greatly help us to reduce negativity in our society. Reviving traditional government schools system can be a starting point of it. Let us divert our children from idleness to at least reaching out to schools in however inefficient government school system may be. Lets start with what we have in hand and what can be done in a short period of time, things can worked out for betterment once they start. - Pan- Islamism has done worse to our society. Afghan War is a example not from much past. Even after 30 years, our nation is still in the eye of storm for such graciousness. As of now, we do not need to worry about other Islamic countries and state of Islam in their societies because, time and time again we have been witnessing the blessing of caring for our Islamic brother hood, be it Libya for unveiling our nuclear support to it, Iran throwing us on the international communities table for helping them enriching Uranium or Saudia Arbia - Iran proxy war fueling sectarian killing in Pakistan and making us the battle ground for replying to each other on their internal fronts. It has to end. We are friends of our global interests and we are enemies only for our global interests, nothing less no more. - A massive movement should be initiated to de-weaponize our society. No more arms license and all already issued to individuals must be cancelled. Zero tolerance for arms show off publicly. Only government security agencies and private securities agencies could be granted arms license, not to any individual. - Poverty leads to crime. When crime is not dealt with punishment, it leads to mob justice and mob justice leads to massive uncontrolled violence which eventually leads to terrorism considering no re-precautions. For a sustained & balanced society, poverty elevation is very important. Its a long term goal but we better start towards economic development of underprivileged population rapidly in first place. In my understanding, these few but important short term & long term initiatives are crucial to pull us out of this grave challenge of a deteriorating society and failing state. I have faith in my country and people but if we still do not adhere to what needs to be done, remember history spares no one. As it is a famous Urdu poetry saying Dastaan bi na ho gee apni..... Dastanoon mein
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:10:59 +0000

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