This was a great article and I wanted to share some of it with - TopicsExpress


This was a great article and I wanted to share some of it with you. That common misconception about weight loss is that the moment you change your eating habits and start hitting the gym you will shrink and the fat will just melt off….Umm NO!! This is a process that is sometimes painfully slow which is the reason why people give up too quickly and before they even gave themselves a chance. IT TAKES TIME AND CONSISTENCY….you will need weeks/months to lose and hit your goal. It can and sometimes does get very frustrating but dont give up on your goal for a short term craving or 1 bad day. One of the biggest reasons people “fail” or give up on their goals (which is really themselves) is that they’ve never understood or been given realistic expectations for weight-loss progress. When you have fad diet after fat diet hitting the industry, The Biggest Loser, slick marketing of online programs, cover stories of magazines, etc., it’s really no wonder. As such, the reality of progress is simply never fast enough and thus, the mindset of “well this isn’t working, it’s not fast enough, etc.,” so it’s onto to the next magical (and unrealistic) program. And the same cycle continues. Understand that true, lasting, sustainable and maintainable fat-loss progress takes time. It is not an overnight job … just as gaining all that body fat was not an overnight job. And if you want to compare the two? Losing it takes a lot longer than gaining it. The faster you lose it, typically the less likely you can maintain your achievement and the faster you gain it back … in many cases, and then some. Don’t rush it, unless you want to stay on the vicious yo-yo dieting scale for the rest of your life. Slow and steady wins the race – permanently. Settle in, become a master of your behaviours and choices, think lifestyle, and wait for your body to unveil itself.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:05:34 +0000

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