This was a posting from May 19, 2013. It is a true blast from the - TopicsExpress


This was a posting from May 19, 2013. It is a true blast from the past. Be sure to read comments below: With my experience of all involved and the Krugliak firm in the courts (Canton and Massillon) I have transcripts of both. I am writing this down, whether it is relevant or not. Here it is. When we started to question the spending of the Association dues money, three employees and one Board Trustee started to claim that they were afraid of me. The Board Trustee, Chris Byham sat in and was allowed to vote on this himself for Springwood to pay for all this and to take us to court for stalking civil protection orders. Employees, Dave Kurucz, John Heavilin, and office secretary Beth McMasters were in on the claim also. After Beth McMasters and John Heavilin were denied in court, they went on to get raises and continue to torment to this day. Years later. The alarming thing to me is of the willingness of the Krugliak firm making fools of themselves and how this is a red flag of involvement and long arm connections to make this happen. How the Krugliak Attorney said at the court trial when showing the videos, They must have sent the wrong video. We have these videos and they are the right ones, with no crimes seen on these videos. On one of the videos, the one plaintiff (Christopher Byham) claims of a threat on a certain date and time and he and the happenings wasnt even on the video. When I questioned my witnesses (employees and Board members on my behalf) being my own Attorney, on the stand, Do you fear for your safety and property from these Board members and employees? They all answered yes. Unrehearsed and unexpected to be my own Attorney at this hearing. When we requested our evidence back they handed us their evidence along with ours, a year later. Then at the court ordered mediation from Massillon how the Krugliak Attorney was making hand gestures and faces at me in mediation seemingly to upset me, when I asked Mrs. Kurucz why after getting a civil stalking order and so afraid of me, she and her husband Dave, was coming around my place every day or every other day, unusually much. How her daughter and friends would come around laughing and giggling, (have video of this). She stated, Because were aloud to I then said, You simply wouldnt. I then asked Dave Kurucz, Who sent you, and what motivates you to do these attacks on me? He smiled evil like, real big, leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head. The Krugliak Attorney butted in and said, Wait a minute, my clients arent the victims. The mediator then said, Maybe the Feathers feel they are the victims. I then said this makes me sick to my stomach and went to the restroom. When I came out, it was over, shook hands with mediator and left. I felt at that point my Attorney should have filed a motion to dismiss. But the trial went on. Our only hope was that this mediation fiasco would reach the Judges desk. My Attorney signed away my speedy trial rights twice, without me knowing it. All the times the Krugliak Attorney asked for a postponement or continuance, my Attorney sent out subpoena notices to my witnesses either the day of or day after when the trial was scheduled. How when the prosecutor made up the text message that I supposedly sent. When we got a copy of that text message months earlier from our Attorney we told him how I have never sent a text message before, nor know how. Told him my 5 yrs of phone records will show how that is not possible. We looked that number up from our copy, and that message came from a phone number in Florida. That was the only evidence they had in 6 months time. My own lawyer, Rick Petinni, was making excuses for the Massillon prosecutor (Malinda Reed) at mediation when I brought it up, saying how she must have it mixed up from another case. I had to wonder why the need for Krugliak Attorneys in the Canton or Massillon courts when the State is the Attorney? You usually dont hire an Attorney and pay thousands just to coach this whole show. Do you? The protection order had expired a month before going to trial for supposedly violating it. Now, the trial goes on in the Massillon court after all this. The prosecutor files a inlemina at the last minute. She claims in court as to save the tax payers money. It eliminated my two key witnesses from testifying in court. They were used as the plaintiff Dave Kurucz’s witnesses from the beginning to support getting this stalking order. I have video witnessing from these two that reflect the fact of how they were used in a grievance report of this whole event (we have copies) and didnt even know that. Nor did they support the claims in them. One of them said, They tried to get us to sign papers against you, and Ron (third witness) and I wouldnt sign. Proceedings go on. My Attorney refused to put this on Massillon TV for all to see as I requested. If the Judge didnt have the picture by now, calling it a school yard game, I knew at this point living in a field in a motor home after being suspended from the park from all these fabricated lies and my work tools being held hostage and letter of refusal to get them from the park from Bill Kinion, Board Trustee and all these new liars in the court room that I didnt even know, I felt I had to agree to the plea bargain deal they gave me of disorderly conduct and $90 court cost. I didn’t want to leave my wife by herself, because she recently had surgery for brain aneurysms and cancer. We went back to the park when they re-opened after this six month suspension to more politically motivated attacks and torment. It continues to this day. 2013 This all started when we started questioning the spending of the association dues. I turned myself in twice to get it into the courts hands thinking for sure they would see the lunacy of it all. No one to this date in the courts seemed to care to address any of my mountains of evidence. Even the park leaders after inviting many of them. I have carried the local sheriff phone numbers, and gave them mine if needed to speak to me, our camera/video for years now to help defend ourselves against their lies. I have voluntarily put myself on a GPS ankle bracelet to show my where abouts for my defense. I have lived for years with my camera by my side, and have used my beard shaved in 4 different ways with time and dated pictures to prove my identity. So liars would have to prove my physical description at the time that they would claim something. We save all time and dated receipts for our where abouts. Also taking note of cameras at any stores we go to for extra proof if needed. I have hidden in the back seat of the car when leaving the park, for the security of our property because of them stalking and harassing us continuously. Lets not forget the fact of the Canton court case disappearing from the online dockets. When other court cases of mine have never disappeared. I am sure they are banking on the fact of me not asking them why this is not on my record. (who would) A strange possible connection may be a Mr. Robert Schirack (works in the Court system) and Mr. Don Schirack, our Board President, could be related. Mr. Robert Schirack has in the recent past owned property at Springwood Lake. We hire a Mr. Van Gaasbeck, our 4th Attorney to expose all this. Within a month after hiring him, I went to a Springwood meeting. They comfortably brought charges against me again for violating a protection order for being in the same room with Mr. Kurucz. They had statements (we have copies) from other lot owners stating how I was there but didnt do anything. The very same Prosecutor (Malinda Reed) allowed this charge against me, very well knowing there was NO protection order after in the trial claiming to save tax payers money by filing her inlemene eliminating my key witnesses. Malinda Reed scheduled this for trial when the same Judge was on sick leave, after the Judge telling Mr. Kurucz at trial, If I see this back in my court, I will be looking at your behavior too. Mr. Van Gaasbeck took care of that charge by having it dismissed because of lack of evidence. We wanted to continue with our lawsuit, and he started ignoring our calls and avoided us. The statute of limitation ran out and it ended. Because of ignoring our calls, we had to go to his place and wait at his door for him and get all our documents back. From that point to this date there are many more stories with the same method of operation, that I have proof to.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:58:24 +0000

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