This was a question asked on Quora, here was my - TopicsExpress


This was a question asked on Quora, here was my answer- Sustainability: What would be the highest possible and sustainable standard of living for every human on Earth with todays technology? Assume no further technological advancements. Buckminster Fuller was clear that the world required a design revolution. To begin to answer the question we have to look at our current technical capabilities. Supercomputers, wireless networks, hydro/aqua-ponics for food production. Insect farming and harvesting. Renewable energy` resources (wind, solar, tidal) and biofuels. I believe that with today’s current technology we could keep an online catalog of every existing available resource and index them into an upcycle database that is instantly accessible to everyone locally, nationally, and globally. Every household would have the task of growing food indoors by utilizing home Aquaculture systems. The home would grow what was needed and all surplus would wirelessly be uploaded as consumables into the local food grid to be delivered to whomever wanted the goods. This would be monitored by computer and the flow of goods are then quantified as credit for household and individual. Meat cultures give way to protein cultures by replacing mammals with insects and fish. Homes would become live-in farms and would be constructed from 100 percent recyclable and local materials. The operating systems would monitor the food growth and determine availability and SMART distribution via transportation methods (courier, drone, vehicle pooling, and boat) that reduce fuel use to near zero. The networks would also put out request for specific things to be grown and allot credit to all whom accept the growing contracts. Credits can also be accumulated by uploading patents for innovations on the use of existing resources and materials, the more request for a design the more credit. Lending time to the civic request system to utilize your home 3d printer for a local build and deliver job is also credit worthy. Dumpster Diving is also credit worthy by returning materials to an allocation center to be processed into the resource index. By transforming our existing system through innovative design we could become the society that becomes interdependent and self-sufficient. Completely sustainable. And your wealth is determined by how much you physically put into the system in terms of time and effort, the smoother your node in the network runs the greater your access to credit and the ability to utilize more resources for building better systems becomes. Your role in the process of life is made clear. The highest standard of living I can think of with our current capabilities is: Clean drinking water Shelter Purpose Community Average Health Public Accessibility to information Vaster public spaces and less urban crowding
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 23:54:15 +0000

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