This was a the leap of faith for Vittoria was still struggling to - TopicsExpress


This was a the leap of faith for Vittoria was still struggling to accept. he had God actually communicated with the camerlengo? Vittorias gut said no, and yet hers was the science of entaglement physics - the study of interconnectedness. She witnessed miraculous communications every day - twin seaturtle eggs seperated and placed in labs thousands of mile apart hatching at the same instant...acres of jellyfish pulsating in perfect rythm as if of a single mind. There are invisibles lines of communication everywhere, she thought. But between God and man. Vittoria wished her father were there to give her faith. He had once explained divine communication to her in scientific terms, and he had made her believe. She still remembered the day she had seen him praying and ask him, father, why do you bother to pray? God cannot answer you. Leonardo Vetra had looked up from his meditations with a parental smile. my daughter the skeptic. So you dont believe god speaks to man? Let me put it in your language. He took a model of human brain down from a shelf and set it in front of her. As you probably know, vittoria, human beings normally use a very small percentage of their brain power. however, if you put them in emotionally charged situations - like physical trauma, extreme joy or fear, deep meditation - all of a sudden their neurons start firing like crazy, resulting in massively enhanced mental clarity. So, what? Vittoria said. Just because you think clearly doesnt mean you talk to God. Aha! Vetra exclaimed. And yet remarkable solutions to seemingly impossible problems often occur in these moments of clarity. Its what the gurus call higher consciouness. Biologists call it altered states. Psychologists call it super-sentience. He paused. and Christians call it answered prayer. Smiling broadly, he added, sometimes, divine revelation simply means adjusting your brain to hear what your heart already knows. Now, as she dashed down, headlomg into the dark, Vittoria sensed perhaps her father was right. Was it so hard to believe that the carmalengos trauma had put his mind in a state where he had simply realized the antimatters location? Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown. Page 531-532.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:26:58 +0000

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