This was an email response RE last Thursdays meeting with Mayor - TopicsExpress


This was an email response RE last Thursdays meeting with Mayor Bill Taylor, Leanne Barnnes, Jeff Donne & Ann Mawhinney. Leanne Barnes,Acting General Manager Leanne Barnes sent the emaiI Friday afternoon. Thank you for providing such a comprehensive feedback from your meeting on Wednesday and outlining the key points you wish responded to. I have had your document and the letter from Ms Colleen Dixon entered into our correspondence system and relevant sections tasked to individuals. Simon Schweitzer, Acting Group Manager Community and Relationships will reply directly to Ms Dixon noting our receipt of her letter, acknowledging the concerns and outlining the next stage. In relation to general discussion on our on-going dialogue I assure you we are genuinely interested in your feedback on our communications strategy, our community engagement policy and procedure (which I noted are currently under review) and any matters you think we can do better in within our resource constraints. We acknowledge that we do not always get things right but we are really endeavouring to move forward and as noted we have already taken up ideas put forward by you in your deputations to the Council meeting and others recommended by University of Wollongong students during the recent Univate research project. We are also working on our webpage and making it more user friendly and we’re getting on the move taking staff and Councillors to the community in coming months and setting up a series of Councillor forums in major towns. We have undertaken an initial assessment of the nine points you presented and here is the initial response: TREE 8 TO STAY – We provided an assurance yesterday that this tree will stay, this is confirmed and if there is any further advise at any time that this is likely to be reviewed there will be consultation and clear timelines in relation to discussions and decisions. I must say I am saddened that this tree now appears to be a general “graffiti” site. I went over last night and had a look at it and there are people carving obscenities into it with pens etc. I hope that we can stop this so that the tree is not damaged and protect it into the future. I assure this is not a “ploy” but genuine concern for what you note is a “vital, vigorous symbol of whether Council is actually listening to the wishes of the community” for you and the community – it would greatly assist if you could let the broader community know how important it is to protect this tree now. MORE INDIGENOUS PLANTING – we noted that this matter will be referred to the section managing the site who will liaise with the consultant. Advise on this will be provided in the coming weeks. COMMUNITY REVIEW OF MASTERPLAN – As noted yesterday this is a staged process and we are at the beginning. All additional stages must be reported to Council and the funding allocated. We will ensure you are advised a timeline on this, it is not to hand at date but I will request staff include this in the second stage response. I have requested that a laminated plan of stage 1 be placed on the wire fence as soon as possible. COUNCIL TO REVIEW GOVERNANCE PROCEDURES & IDENTIFY WHERE ERRORS HAVE BEEN MADE AND IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE MADE – As noted yesterday this could take a longer period to provide response to (and we note it is linked to point 6) – I believe that you mean governance and operational procedures(that includes Council decisions and staff actions) and note that a timeframe of over the past 2 years be applied as the project dates back to 2003/04. Staff are commencing to prepare this and I will ensure to monitor a response coming back to you. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION PROCESS REVIEW – I gave you yesterday copies of the community engagement policy and procedure and noted these are currently under review, I also provided you copies of the Council’s adopted community strategic plan taking us trough to 2030, an outline of the process in preparing the plan and the community engagement report. Council’s communication strategy has been on public exhibition and is being reported to Council at the next meeting, and I also gave you a short outline of the Univate(University of Wollongong student research project) recommendations. The Mayor and I were serious in requesting that you review and provide feedback on these documents. In particular the community engagement procedure would benefit from your input. REVIEW AND REPORT ON TREE REMOVAL – see 4 above BVSC STAFF MEMBER TO ACT AS SINGLE LIAISON –As noted yesterday it is difficult to identify a single staff person as a point of contact as your issues cover a range of areas. To ensure response please contact either the Mayor or myself and we will coordinate timely and appropriate responses. BVSC TO SUPPORT SMOKING CEREMONY TO BE HELD BY LOCAL INDIGENOUS RESIDENTS – thank you for the letter from Colleen Dixon as noted above this has been put into our system and we will respond directly to Ms Dixon as she directed her correspondence to Council. TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE NEW GARDENS KNOWING THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WILL FEEL A SENSE OF PRIDE AND OWNERSHIP – we agree this is critical and a work in progress. When we get closer to having a date we will definitely be in contact. For the community I agree it will be a fitting celebration of the heart of Bega. For us, I believe, it is important to spend more time celebrating what we achieve, quite often Council staff and the community are moving onto the next project or issue and we don’t spend the time celebrating being a community and the places that are important to us. We look forward to sharing this event with you. Thank you for so generously spending time with us yesterday and we will provide the responses noted above in the next two weeks. Sincerely Leanne Barnes Acting General Manager Bega Valley Shire Council
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 10:23:05 +0000

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