This was given to me years ago to use. I hope some else will as - TopicsExpress


This was given to me years ago to use. I hope some else will as well. Check this out: Awareness Exercises Standing or sitting comfortably, and quietly concentrate your consciousness and attention upon your spine, at a point between the shoulders and about three inches below the prominent vertebra - at a place around and near the third thoracic ganglion. By concentrating your consciousness and attention upon that locality of your spine, for three minutes or more at a time, you will notice after a short time that part of the spine becomes warm and tingles with vibrations. Your hands should be kept apart while doing this and the eyes closed. When the tingling or warmth or feeling of life comes to the spine, keep up your concentration for a few minutes before stopping. It will have a beneficial effect for many hours, and each time you do this you will notice the effect increase. Stand or sit comfortably, and place the thumb and first finger of the right hand over the closed eyelid of the right eye, and the thumb and the first finger of the left hand over the closed eyelid of the left eye. Gently press the eyeballs through pressing on the eyelids. Then while pressing thus, take a deep breath and hold it as long as possible, keeping up the gentle pressure. Then exhale slowly, keeping the fingers on the eyelids but gradually lightening the pressure until only the slightest touch of the fingers is felt. Immediately after taking the deep breath and holding it, certain colours moving in various directions should appear before the closed eyelids. The All Over Exercise Loosen all tight clothing and remove your shoes and socks, if possible but it is not necessary. Sit in a comfortable chair. Perform any of the above breathing exercises which you find comfortable. Imagine there is an energy following from the bottom of your feet to your head. Direct this energy slowly up your legs, up your body to your head. The process should last one half hour. Use good classical music or instrumental music to assist you. If you are proficient with the above exercise. Imagine that you are encased in a golden egg and surrounded by golden light. Start the above exercise and direct the energy up from your feet, through your body and direct the energy to your head. When the energy is in your head, visualise that you are the centre star of a galaxy. Visualise the galaxy rotation. Visualise that you are only one of millions of galaxies. Visualise that this galaxy is contain within the size of a football. Visualise millions of footballs. Visualise all the footballs are contain within the size of a chicken egg. Repeat the process with millions of chicken eggs inside another egg. Return slowly to a relaxed state and resume your normal activities. After the exercise, you may notice a tingling sensation in you fingertips. This is the Chi energy or vital life force generated by your body. This energy can be used for healing. It is best to use the thumb or the first three fingers forming a triangle. The energy can be directed into the side of the spinal column. For best results it is best to obtain a book on shiatsu or acupressure. Medical charts exist which show the relationship of spinal nerve junctions to the organs. This energy will remain in the receiver’s body for approximately 24 hours before it expires. When you are proficient with the above exercise, try the exercises below in conjunction to the above. Concentrate your energy on the chakra points but do not visualise opening them as you may experience adverse effects. Heart Exercise Carry out the all over exercise. When in a relaxed state, visualise the heart floating in the solution surrounding the heart. Visualise this solution surrounding the heart and concentrate on it and send all the energy into the heart to awaken its power and add more of its power during the day. You will awaken a centre of action and energy that will make the blood seem warmer for an hour, and will give you more vitality. You will notice that your memory and intuition will be keener and more sensitive. Third Eye Exercises Carry out the all over exercise in a dark or semi - dark place with the eyelids closed. Concentrate all your attention to the place inside the skull in the middle of the forehead. Think of the area as the size of a small marble, and being alive with vitality and sensations to impressions. As you concentrate on this area you will gradually feel warmth and a sensation to a rhythmic action. You will become aware that all your thinking and consciousness radiate outward from that point of your forehead. In a few moments you will begin to sense that impressions are coming back from the space around you toward your forehead, into that area. After three or four days of conducting the exercise, you will begin to sense impressions. By keeping the eyelids closed, try to see with your consciousness a mental picture of the events which have occurred. Place the right thumb on the centre of the forehead just above the nose, and lay the rest of your hand on top of the head tightly against the hair and the scalp. The palm of your hand and fingers will be over the left side of your head. While doing this close your eyes and concentrate upon the area of the brain right under your hand. By placing the thumb and hand on the forehead and concentrating on the left lobe of the brain for about five minutes each night, either you will stop headaches, ease any pain in the head, neck and shoulders, and bring a vitalising energy to the whole sympathetic nervous system. Psychic Eyes Exercise Conduct the following exercise in a dark room. Carry out the all-over exercise. Place the forefinger and the next finger of each hand on the temples of the forehead lightly so you can feel their magnetic touch. Do not use the thumb or outer fingers. After two minutes of conducting the exercise, close the eyes. Take a deep breath, and hold it for a few seconds. Open the eyes slowly, and look ahead, keeping the fingers on the temples and continue the rhythmic breathing for three or four minutes. A picture may form in front of you. Observe the picture, It will in the form of a cloud. If there is no occurrence, dismiss the exercise and repeat at a later date. Thyroid Gland Exercises Carry out the all over exercise. Visualise the colour deep red. Pronounce the sound ah as in art. Hold the sound for 20 seconds if possible. Always take a deep breath and say it with the mouth as wide as possible. Pronounce the sound five or six times with the colour red visualised. After lying in bed, carry out the above exercise, keeping the hands and feet separated from the body. Concentrate all your awareness on the thyroid gland. Think of it as a ball of vital energy. Think of the energy passing down from the thyroid gland to the solar plexus for a minute or two. There will be a feeling of warmth or consciousness in the area around the abdomen. Once this is achieved, gradually fall asleep, leaving the solar plexus to distribute the energy in the body. The effects of the exercise will make the body magnetic, healthy, and filled with strength during the day. The result will relieve fatigue and give better colour to the complexion, appetite and a feel of youthfulness. As the thyroid gland improves in its functions, the human psychic aura becomes larger and stronger. The personal magnetism is one of the first impressions that strangers notice in such persons. Pineal Gland Exercises The pineal gland is not an eye enabling us to see the four dimension, but senses the rates of vibrations of things. The pineal gland senses the four dimension in the spiritual and psychic world, and not in the material world. Physic projection, and the visibility of ethereal or psychic bodies, when projected into space, is due to the comprehension of the fourth dimension through means of the pineal gland. The fourth dimension vibrations are which give the over soul or overtone of things. The pineal gland is connected with two nerve centres, one in each ear. These two nerve centres, plus the nerve centre in the pineal gland, make a triangle. The pineal gland in the centre of the head as the apex and the two nerve centres in the ears as the base of the triangle. There is also a relationship between the pineal gland and the ear pressure upon the eardrum of each ear. After going to bed, do the all over exercise and when perfectly relaxed, place the index finger of each hand as far as comfortably possible in each ear. While the fingers are in this position in each ear, take a deep breath through the nose and hold it as long as possible. Continue breathing normally for one minute and repeat the deep breath. Repeat the procedure three times. The result of this exercise will be the clearing up of the nose in its breathing and of the ears in their hearing, a checking of colds in the head, and a development of the sensitive nature of the nerves of the nose to where you will detect odours more easily. At the same time the pineal gland will gradually come alive with increased vitality. Lunar Cycle Best time for contacts. First and last quarters of the moon - good times. Full moon for visible contacts. Three days at the full moon, and three days at waning most suitable. New moon, eclipse or solar disturbances like sunspots. Notes on Intuition. Intuition is a natural function. It is not a rare and unnatural faculty that must be specially born in some persons and then cultivated. Intuition expresses itself in a variety of manners. 1. As an inward voice. 2. As a hunch. 3. As a mental picture. 4. As a mental written message. Intuition is a function of the master within, the inner self, also called the conscience. The inner self has as its mind the subconscious mind in man. The subconscious mind is distinctly the psychic or divine mind in man. It is the mind that retains the complete storehouse of memory, reasons deductively without error, and is more directly in touch with the cosmic mind. Intuition can be developed by listening to the inner voice. It requires determination first of all, and second, a real giving in to the inner self. When dealing with a problem, relax, close your eyes and permit your inner impressions to manifest mentally. Intuition will express itself before and after a decision is made. Generally speaking, the intuitive impression or expression is conservative, rational, careful, and always kind, tolerant, just and comprehensive. The intuitive consciousness is always urging us to see everything from the viewpoint of its effect upon all men and all conditions unselfishly. Its reasoning always pursues a course that is deductive, starting with the act as you would do it or perform it and presenting a logical sequence of events and results there from so that there is a moving picture of events rapidly passing before you, showing you just what will follow in the wake of your act or decision. The objective consciousness, on the other hand, in trying to decide for you will fluctuate from deductive to inductive reasoning. It will picture the sequence of events from the beginning to the conclusion, then disregard the conclusion and then by syllogistical reasoning will take evasive action if it is contrary to an undesirable situation. The subconscious is a vast reservoir for ideas, impressions, and images that have either never registered on our conscious mind or registered so briefly that we do not recall them, or at best, only a very few. In fact, we do not know that the majority of them exist. Never less, such ideas and impressions are potentially the basis of personal insight bringing forth into the conscious mind, original thoughts, the clarification of ideas, or intuition. They are the source of intuitive flashes or insight and in mystical terms illumination. In meditation we reach into deeper levels of the inner self, the chambers of the subconscious. These are in harmony with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness. When the inner self, the profound subconscious, is brought into attunement with the universal consciousness, it is stimulated by it. In meditation, if we are successful, this exalted consciousness of the Cosmic working through us organises these latent ideas in the subconscious, and when they have a harmonious relationship, a specific clarity, they are then released, flashed, as a complete intuitive idea into our conscious mind. At that time we may say we have a sudden hunch, or idea. This insight, of course, is not always able to stand up empirically against fact or reality, but most of the times it is reliable. Farther, it most always excels any conclusions of our ordinary reason. That is why it arouses our confidence in it. Such then is revelation, but it is revelation derived from the cosmic mind within us. We must not overlook the fact of psychic inter-communication between minds that are attuned. In pondering a problem and passing it on to the subconscious and thence onto the Cosmic Mind, we may be brought into resonance with a mind dwelling on the same subject. His thoughts may be farther advanced than our own. Psychically, then, in contacting this mind we receive his related ideas which may clarify our own thought upon the subject and appear to us as intuition, or revelation. Psychic analysing is the result of the thinking, the analysing, and the careful reasoning of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has the ability to take from any source of information such facts as it may require and to arrange these in such a way that it develops new knowledge, new facts that were not known either to the individual or possibly to anyone else. Through such reasoning and analysing, the psychic mind obtains valuable information throughout our lives. This reasoning and analysing is done without our thinking about it, and very often the new knowledge we acquire in this way surprises us, causing us to wonder where it came from. By this method the psychic mind takes one or two known facts that the objective mind has received and puts these facts in a new relationship to each other, thus building or creating a few new facts that were previously unknown. Intuition can be developed by a process of introversion. The process involves relaxing in a quiet place, loosing all awareness of the immediate surroundings, and directing all thoughts inwards. There seems to be an inner intelligence impressing superior qualities, particularly with its divine intelligence. When there is a conflict between the objective and the intuition, it is far better to rely on the intuitive knowledge. The only way, intuition can appear to be misleading is through your misunderstanding of what the intuition is trying to say, or through putting your questions to it the wrong way, therefore getting a wrong answer. Although it is not always possible to anticipate the secondary effects of our thinking and doing, you will find that intuitive judgment will help you. It will warn you if what you intend to do may have disastrous effects. Intuition is the profound judgement of the inner self based upon experiences acquired objectively. By heeding these intuitive decisions, many acts or thoughts considered harmless can be made so in fact. It is not that our thoughts of themselves can reach out and bring harm to others; rather, the wrong thoughts may cause us to act in ways that may be detrimental to others. When you are finally relaxed, close your eyes, dismissing all thoughts except what you plan for tomorrow. That tomorrow may be twenty four hours or several years. Approach your plan from a different point of view this time. Do not think of them of only in terms of their immediate effects. Think of all the circumstances, people and conditions that may be affected, in other words, of the lives and affairs of others who may be touched by your plans. Then inquire of the inner self whether or not the secondary or indirect con-sequences of your plans will be detrimental to others. An intuitive response will be received. It may appear as an auditory sensation that is as a spoken command or admonishment; again it may take the form of a written reply, of brilliant letters standing out upon the screen of your consciousness. Regardless of the form of the experience, that is, the intuitive response, be determined to abide by it. Glands There are twelve psychic glands in the human body. Seven primary glands and five secondary glands. These glands make up the endocrine system in the human body. These glands consist of, the pituitary, the pineal, the pericardium, the thyroid, the solar plexus, the thymus, the gonads, the para-thyroids, the pancreas. Every seven hours there is a complete regeneration of man throughout his psychic and physical bodies when the body is normal and healthy. Any disease, illness, accident or injury will disturb that rhythm of seven hour generation. Every seven days there is another change due to cosmic influences from the moon, the sun, and other magnetic points of vibration in the universe. The moon cycle of twenty eight days has its definite peaks of influence every seventh day. Every seven months there is a change that takes place, as well as every lunar month. The lunar month, when the moon completes its cycle, produces an effect on the human body that is regenerative, cleansing, and revitalising. The moon period for each individual is in accordance with when it first started at birth. Every seven years there is a complete psychic and cosmic change in mans life. The first seven years of life for every human being are filled with certain physical changes that are constructive in building up the body, and they have their effect on the hair, the colour of the eyes, the teeth, the bones, and the growth of certain organs. From the seventh to the fourteenth year other changes take place, and just prior to the fourteenth year certain glands that have not been functioning begin to develop and make themselves manifest. So also during the third and the fourth cycles of seven years. There comes a time in the human body when the psychic body begins to decrease its regenerative and building activities unless good care has been taken of the physical body. Pineal Gland Exercise When you are alone and relaxed, take a deep breath and hold it for as long as is comfortable before expelling it. Do these three times so your lungs, blood, aura, and consciousness are vitalised. Then bring your consciousness to focus on the middle of the forehead. Imagine the area to be the brilliant colour selected. If it easier, imagine a circle of paper pasted on your forehead with this colour streaming into the area behind it. This may be more successfully accomplished with the eyes closed. After a minute or so a sensation of warmth will be evident in the area and your consciousness may be stimulated. Impressions or even visions may flash momentarily through the consciousness. A second attempt at another time will increase the effect. The exercise will need a week to ten days for complete results. The colour can be changed after the initial period. Keep to the primary colours, and the same colour should be used for several periods before changing. The first colour recommended is brilliant red. The red colour stimulates both the physical and psychic selves. If indulged in to long, red may be too violent a stimulant to the functions of the physical body and the psychic centres. The next colour recommended is brilliant yellow. The yellow colour develops the intellectual, intuitive, analytical qualities of the brain the psychic mind. Two to three days meditation on the colour yellow, keeps the functions of the mind and the brain balanced, and has a vital effect upon toning and balancing the aura and all the psychic centres. The next colour recommended is violet near light purple. Violet represents the psychic or spiritual consciousness. Concentrating on violet for a week will make the psychic centres highly receptive to cosmic influences. Violet has a quieting effect on the brain and the nerve activities of the body. The next colour recommended is brilliant white (sunlight). The next colour recommended is electric blue. The colour blue has the feeling of being lifted into space, floating, without the awareness of a heavy physical body, and a result of perfect attunement. The above exercise can be varied by the following method. Place the right thumb on the centre of your forehead just above the nose, and say the rest of your hand on top of the head tightly against the hair and the scalp. The palm of your hand and fingers will be over the left side of your head. Close your eyes and concentrate upon the area of the brain right under your hand. Within the left lobe of the brain is a small area associated with some of the psychic functioning. This area in the brain causes a little red or pink colour in the aura near the left side of the head. The exercise will stop headaches, ease any pains that may be in the head, neck and shoulders, and bring a vitalising energy to the whole sympathetic nervous system and at the same time vitalising the pineal gland. Thyroid Gland The thyroid gland is a ductless gland located in the forepart of the neck just below the larynx. It is composed of two lobes laying either side of the windpipe and connected by a bridge just below the Adams apple. The psychic functions of the thyroid gland are as following: First this gland that has much to do with the translating of thought energy into sound energy. Second, it has much to do with the translation of sounds, heard by the ear, into mental impressions. Third, it has a great deal to do with the translation of the psychic energy in the human body into lower rates of vibration, which emanate from the human body as the human aura. The thyroid gland is the psychic centre for keeping the living cells of the human body properly attuned with the cosmic vibrations which reach the body through the air, and the earthly, negative, magnetic vibrations which reach the by through our contact with the earth and through the food we eat and water we drink. Another important function of the thyroid gland is the control of the efferent and afferent flow of the psychic energy, as well as the nerve energy in all of the cells and branches of both the spinal nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Another important function is the relationship between the thyroid gland and the brain controlling speech and the production of sounds. It is because of this relationship that certain vowel sounds spoken in the proper way will control and direct the inflowing and out flowing of the psychic energy of the human body. In this way the psychic energy of the aura can be increased or decreased around the human body by the use of vowel sounds. This effect on the aura causes it to become attuned with the cosmic energy that is always around us, thereby helping us to become attuned with harmonic conditions and vibrations of the cosmic. The Pericarium The pericardium is the outer sac surrounding the heart. In this sac is a liquid known as lymph in which the heart floats. The results of experiments prove the liquid around the heart to be a magnetic fluid charged with a spiritual ethereal energy that actually keeps the heart beating. As you draw the creative power from the thyroid gland down to the solar plexus, you should concentrate for a minute or two on the heart so that the creative power being drawn from the thyroid gland will warm it up and increase the pulse beat a little. Then move on to the solar plexus and concentrate on it for a minute or two. The result will be that you will feel less tired, and blood improving in quality. This will prevent colds and any form of attack of disease, and at the same time will bring a better colour to the cheeks and lips and a better condition to the eyes.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:47:17 +0000

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