This was gonna be a negative post, but nah, I see the positives - TopicsExpress


This was gonna be a negative post, but nah, I see the positives instead. Props to MY mom, or other moms, or dads, who took the time to make nutritious, home-cooked meals for their kids. McDonalds is no different than giving your kid a bump of cocaine, or a martini. Not societys perception, or connotation....reality. In moderation, it has the same effect on the body. I enjoy a cocktail or 2, given, not a coke user, but I am making the point that people that feed their kids garbage, are just a different type of pusher. Not a lil overweight, but severely overweight children, amounts to child abuse. As a kid, I was told, Alright! Enough Nintendo, go out and play. I needed that. Allowing sloth, is every bit as bad, and people dont see it that way. Having to prepare my OWN food, lets me know how hard my mom worked for me, and what she sacrificed. No matter if she worked all day, or didnt feel well, there was a nutritious meal for me, always. Thanks momma. I think I grew up in the last generation where our successes, or failures, were our OWN. I was given the tools, what I do with that, from here on out, is on ME. Not everything is a syndrome, sometimes jokes are jokes, we dont need to call the ACLU. If there was a bully, I didnt wear a ribbon, I fought him. Many different races and creeds, could laugh together, about our stereotypes, and find commonality, too. This P.C., homogeneous, society, only masks what people REALLY believe. If you talk about things, put things on the table, the fear, and resentment, can be overcome. So Imma let my freak flag fly, if it is too much, sorry about your luck. If you have religious issues with me, I respect them. I dont cry about it. I need to be punched, punch me. I want the good things I do to have an actual reward. I dont want a 4th place ribbon.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:43:31 +0000

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