This was interesting. And this just one of many responses - TopicsExpress


This was interesting. And this just one of many responses from a commentor from the original post: Julie Banderob: Your way is not my way I grew up in a catholic family, my parents took me to church, I received the sacraments, and I had 12 years of catholic education. Within that time I have been told I was going to hell because I didn’t define a miracle as an act of God but instead insisted that a miracle is something that we humans cannot at this time and may never be able to explain. This by an ex nun. I grew up with more and more scandals coming to light about Priests with members of their congregations. More evil has been done in the name of the catholic God than in any other. There is a quote that I can paraphrase because I don’t remember where I first heard it…He who does evil in the name of good still does evil. He who does good in the name of evil still does good in my name. Evil and sin is so subjective. If all Gods are one God they how can we, the Wiccan’s be wrong in the eyes of Christ and the Christian church. If all Goddesses are one Goddess how again can we be wrong? It is my opinion that mortals are fallible. Part of the reason why we wiccans worship so many different deities is because we pick the ones we identify with, who bring us something in our lives we are missing. They are all aspects of God though. If we are all made in the image of god…god must have many images to account for our diversity. So we worship the parts we identify with without denying the whole, can the Christian religions of the world say the same? How is believing in Karma and the rule of 3 be wrong and “evil”, “sinful”, “living in darkness”? How can believing that what you do to others comes back upon you? That if you do evil you get evil eventually in return? How is trying to work with the natural energies of the land (energies that have been documented to exist) be wrong and full of darkness. At least we Wiccan’s can accept that just because you don’t accept our faith does NOT make you wrong. It does not condemn you to eternal damnation. In the end we all reap what we sow. I prefer to sow tolerance, love, compassion and doing the best that I can. What do you sow, you say you sow love yet you don’t love me because I don’t believe as you do. You say you sow tolerance, yet you don’t as you are trying to steer me not for the “easy path of sin and hate” but from the harder path of accepting that you are not always right and we must all do what we can.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 15:14:51 +0000

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