This was messaged to me, tell me what you think.....Conversation - TopicsExpress


This was messaged to me, tell me what you think.....Conversation started For truthseekers and watchers only: The prophecy is on the count of three and it will unfold before our eyes. North Korea will attack South Korea. In this war, Japan will take its stand and attack South Korea with the support of Russia and the North. Russia will conspire with the North to attack America, with the promise to aid the North if America retaliates. But when the North attacks America, Russia is not helping the North. North Korea will be destroyed by America. While America is busy occupying the peninsula with troops, Russia will invade America through Mexico, Cuba and Venezuela with a coalition of foreign troops. Explosions from incendiaries all over America. A nuclear tragedy is nigh. China will confront America and seize Taiwan. Inversion of economic power from America to China. Israel will expand territory in war with Syria and Iran. Islamic terror will hit London, Northern Ireland comes to rescue. Media cover-ups on a passing planet 4 times the size of earth, great EQs, flooding, meteors, weather changes, earth tilting. Two billion of lives in coastal areas are in great danger. Mt. Vesuvius eruption sign of its coming. The Beast will emerge on world scene amid chaos. The Rothschild man of Germany @the Beast, will rise to prominence amid chaos and financial collapse. Watch out for the rise of Germany, for the new order of things will begin in Europe with Middle East joining the alliance. The war between Russia and America will come in summer. Obama will not finish the second term. He will be done away with by the Illuminati. His fate is like that of JFK. One of his generals will betray him. In his place, Hillary will replace him as President. But the Clintons will walk with the Rothschild man. The Beast will appear on the scene as savior of the economy after dollar crash. He will lay out plans with Russia to conquer the Western world, including Britain. With the help from the Russian spies and intelligence as well as his own accomplices, the Beast will succeed in his scheme to rule the world. He will gain access into governments. He is the leader of the one-worlder spearheaded by Germany. A weapon will be developed to control chaos and to bring peace, which is a type of bomb that will send gas particles into the air when exploded. He will sit on the table to decide nations that shall survive financial collapses. The end is come when the oil stops. The oil supply will come under his control, Holland and Texas. Great terror will befall the world. Under the new order, the church of Christ and the church of Islam are created under one roof. The Syrian Muslim caliph @the False prophet will rise from the church of Islam. He will come against the Beast in the beginning. But the King of the North @the Beast will attack him with a mighty force. Egypt and many Islamic states will be captured. Turkey will turn to support the Beast. The Beast will gain great possessions but Russia and China will alarm him. The two Witnesses of God, who once lived as Samuel and Zechariah will return to Israel. These two are common prophets (not Moses-Elijah or Elijah-Enoch). The Gospel will be preached to Israel and to the ends of the earth. The Rothschild man and the Syrian Muslim caliph will meet at the appointed hour in time to undermine Christianity with great deception. Satan will control the Beast through the False prophet. The Syrian will work wonders by using constellations of stars to deceive many. He will prophesy the coming of the Messiah. The Pope will be used by the Beast to manipulate some mainstream doctrine of Christianity which will be handed over to the Syrian. Then the Pope will be stamped to naught and be no more. Catholicism is dead. The Peace deal is between the one-worlder and Israel. It will be struck on a new moon. The mark of the Beast is the Rothschild seal of a red cross which will be implemented under the Rothschild manifesto. It will first be forced unto his puppets. The image of the Beast is a ball wrapped in gold leaves on a pedestal. Those who take up the mark and worship the image of the Beast will be damned forever. Rapture will take place soon after the abomination that causes desolation where the Beast declares himself God in the temple with his troops surrounding Jerusalem
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:02:31 +0000

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