This was originally for a friend who had a specific goal. I was - TopicsExpress


This was originally for a friend who had a specific goal. I was going to send it to her, but decided since other people are always asking me about health and exercise, I would post it for everyone to see. This is a very general work out program. It’s aimed at someone who is trying to lose some weight and also strengthen their body. This would be the first part of a three part program. First, you should be able to tell me that you’ve been to the doctor and that they tell you that you are fit enough to take on an exercise regimen. If your doctor says you are okay, then we can begin. If you have no medical issues, I then need to see where you are at physically. This means that the first few days of your new work out are very basic and are just made to see where you are physically. If you can get into a gym of some type with weights, that would be best, but at first not necessary. I first want to see where your major muscle groups are at. So the very first thing you should try is a mini circuit. Without weights and in your home you can do this. First, warm the body up. 40 to 50 three count jumping jacks. This gets the metabolism started, warms up the body and pushes the circulation. 20 walking lunges if you have the space. Call me if you don’t know how to do this one. Make sure that your knee does not touch the ground. Next 5 to 10 military pushups. The third item is to do a squat. With this exercise you want to stand parallel to a chair with your legs shoulder width and a half wide. Place one of your hands on the top of the chair and look up at 45 degrees and bring your butt down to your heels. Repeat this 20 to 40 times. Next leg lifts. Lay on your back on your bed with your butt at the very edge and legs hanging completely off. Lift your head and shoulders off your bed slightly and lift your legs to a 45 degree angle. Then slowly lower them to where they almost touch the ground, than raise them back up. Do 15 to 20 repetitions. If you have a ½ gal or a full gal milk jug or something that has a handle on it that you can curl. Fill it ½ way with water and try and curl it. 12 to 20 reps. Next you are going to go into a modified push up position. This is called a plank and it’s for your core. This is where you are on your forearms and not your hands. Stay in this position for approximately 30 to 40 seconds with your head looking straight ahead or up for until you feel your body shaking. You’ve now completed a full cycle. Now repeat three to four times. Wait 24 to 48 hours to see how you feel. We want to know where you feel pain and muscle fatigue at. Of special interest are your joints. If you have no pain that means that you need to increase the reps. You want to challenge the muscles. Later you want access to a gym. This is a simple work out, but will give you the most bang for the buk and you will see the greatest results. Bench press, squats, jumping jacks or wind sprints, bicep curls, leg extension, hamstring curl, donkeys, t rows, pull downs, planks, hanging leg lifts and flat bench leg lifts. You’ll notice that this can be split between upper body and lower body. Bench press, wind sprints, bicep curls one day. The next day squats, leg extension, hamstring curl and donkeys. Third day, pull downs, t-rows, pushups and shoulder press. Give yourself no more than 60 to 90 seconds between each exercise. The fourth day rest then repeat. No more than two days between exercise days. It should take approximately 45 minutes to an hour, at the most, to complete this a day. Finally, diet. If the goal is to lose weight and show it off, meal portions are important. You can eat up to 6 small meals during the course of the day. Your heaviest meal should be your first meal and the lightest your last meal. Drink only when you are thirsty. No Mickie D, burger king or any fast food places. Skip veggies in a can altogether. Before your workouts, try to eat a salad and pasta. Pasta will give you fuel and the salad will supply you with fiber and additional fuel. Make your own salad dressing. It’s easy, cheap and healthier for you. Most salad dressings have too much sugar, salt and other chemicals in them to be good for you. Don’t force your body to take more water than it needs. Watch things with sugar or too much salt. Avoid soda, candy and replace these with items that you have “juiced”. You can eat as much fresh fruit and veggies that you want. Play with different recipes. Protein, protein, protein. This is a must. You have to consume more protein so that your muscles will stay active and grow. Not body builder grow, but fitness growth. More muscle equals a faster metabolism. You can get quality protein from beef, lamb, chicken and fish. Quinoa, beans and soy (tofu) can also provide you with good sources of protein. Mix it up and see what works best for you. I would start with just adding more chicken, fish and tofu to the diet and then go from there. Use basic seasoning for all your meals. Kosher or sea salt, fresh black pepper and fresh items. The fresher the ingredients the less you have to do to it to make it taste great. If you can, plan your meals out. People drop off a training regimen normally because they can’t decide what to eat so they just grab the first thing they can get their hands on. If you plan it out and pack your meals ahead of time, you are far more likely to achieve your goals then you would otherwise. This should be all that you need to start off. This training regimen will not give you “muscles” but it will make you leaner, stronger and healthier.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:37:24 +0000

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