This was originally meant for writers, but I think that the basic - TopicsExpress


This was originally meant for writers, but I think that the basic principles apply to everyone. So, here we go - 10 Things You Need to Give Up Before You Can Succeed 1. Letting the criticism of others get to you. Youre no Shakespeare or perhaps youre not the best writer in your niche. So what? You know the progress youve made and everything you had to do to get to this point. Those critics dont. Dont let the negative opinion of others stop you from doing exactly whats best for you. Keep on writing! Let criticism go. 2. Thinking failure is a bad thing. F isnt something we want on our reports and writing portfolios, so I dont blame you. No one wants to fail, but isnt failure an indication of having tried? Let go of any shame you perceive in your failures. They do not equal your future. Its your willingness to try and dare to fail that allows you to achieve success. Let failure go. 3. Vacillating on a decision. Indecision - in business, relationships, and our writing - can lead to any number of problems (like writers block or 0 article views). Know what you want by setting a goal and using it as a compass in making decisions moving forward. Ask yourself, Does this help or hinder my ability to achieve my goal? Let indecision go. 4. Putting off things that are important. Procrastination will get you nowhere. Waiting for the best time to come around, like making resolutions on New Years Day or waiting for the perfect circumstances (such as a quiet home or office), may never happen. If the best time to begin writing was yesterday, then the second best time is now. Let procrastination go. 5. Giving up on things you can actually control. Take personal accountability and dont give up because everything isnt under your command. Sure, you cant control everything in your personal and professional life, but you can choose to do something proactively about it that will influence positive change. For example: You may not be able to control incoming calls while youre trying to write, but you can choose whether to answer that call. Every day presents a new opportunity to make an entirely different set of positive choices. Let unaccountability go. 6. Needing to be right all of the time. No one is perfect. Its okay to admit that youre wrong. It humanizes you. If youve changed your stance on a particular issue youve already written about, its okay to publish a new article on your new stance and explain why. It will help you and your readers grow. Let perfection go. 7. Hiding from problems. Have a strong flight reflex? No one gets poor marks for actively seeking solutions to a problem, so stop running from your personal and professional problems. Fight. Chances are that your readers are facing the same problems. Why not seek out solutions, test them, and share the results (good or bad) with your readers? Let hiding go. 8. Making excuses. I couldnt write that article because I have kids, I was so tired, I had a meeting, etc. We hear a lot of excuses and some of them are valid! But heres the crux: How often are you going to excuse yourself from making progress toward achieving your goals? Little by little (7 minutes here, 2 hours there), you can start taking steps toward achieving your goals today. Let excuses go. 9. Overlooking positive points. I only got 100 views. This is taking too long; Ill never succeed. Building exposure takes time. Remember that even the smallest wins are still wins. Lose this fantasy that you will be an overnight success - thats left to the likes of Grumpy Cat - and begin building toward long-term success. Let negativity go.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:05:41 +0000

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