This was posted on the stand up for the Mariners page Simon - TopicsExpress


This was posted on the stand up for the Mariners page Simon Fisher who would be the most passionate Mariners Supporter there is.. He has summed it up.. So Come On Coasties let fill the fortress for our boys What do the Mariners mean to me and my family? Everything. For 10 seasons my life has been consumed by supporting blokes in yellow shirts strive to create an identity for themselves where I live. Theyve done everything as a fan you could possibly want. Ripped my heart out hundreds of times but on that one day in April 2013, that one day, when every single person on the Central Coast knew who they were, knew who we were as fans, that day will never be forgotten. Yeah weve had horrendous times off the pitch but when you look hard enough and realise its the team that deserves our support above all. I dont like the way the club is run, havent for years but I still put in. Its even better for me now with my girls joining me and Jess in the active bay. Never would I have dreamed they would want to come and stand with me, and I never pushed it. I know its a bit rough and ready in Bay 16 but its home for us. Where grown men keep an eye out when my girls are with us and for the most part even watch their language even though as their dad I know what to expect. You cant turn off your passion for a team as easy as you think, trust me, Ive tried. I know one thing and I will always know it. The people Ive met through supporting the Mariners and the people I will meet I consider family and family sticks together through the tough times and the good times. The 27th of December is a game I want you to come to. If you already come, then you need to bring people. If you dont normally go to CC Stadium then give it some thought. I guarantee the blokes who take the field wearing our shirt will make you proud. We deserve every game to be in Gosford, its now time to prove it. Turn your Fox off and get there. Ill buy you a beer(you know I wont but it adds to the theatre)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:43:21 +0000

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