This was quite interesting to me, and I wanted to share with my - TopicsExpress


This was quite interesting to me, and I wanted to share with my friends and family and Im curious to hear what you guys think.. Im torn 50/50 on this. As a parent you want your children to live a life full of expression and creativity so they can discover who they are or even want to be.. You want that infamous what do you want to be when you grow up to still stand , and teach your kids that skys the limit and its okay to be whoever you want. I feel as though he is teaching his kids to conform and sort of blend in and tuck away . In stead of being bold black and beautiful just as god created them. . During the civil rights movement many african Americans were dressed properly and still ended up dead. The loafers or non hoodie would mean absolutely nothing if your color was still tan, black , brown whatever .same stands now. Our society is brainwashed into looking past the nice tie and vest and school you attended, and still you will be address as black no exception because your coat has no hoodie. Even Oprah has dealt with racial profiling ! In the dark of the night if your skin does not reflect bright, an officer will not notice the fact that you have loafers on and your mom and dad went to Harvard. And drive off. You cant dress equality.. If anything hes setting his kids up for exactly what he doesnt want as this stick out like a sore thumb while trying too hard to blend. I feel as though his kids should be taught to fear no man but GOD and trust that he will always protect them in whatever situation. They should also be taught to respect everyone and everyone just the same. No matter what color, race, ethnicity, background. But... You cant blame him for wanting to see his kids graduate. Just sad this is how extreme he has to be ..Now a days we take every breath with fear. Smh Stephanie Done, Lexus Locke, Mike Debrosse Emefa Arnaout Fady Arnaout, Dzigbordi Yador Esi Agamah Elorm K Yador Rosa Ennison Rama Rebecca Bamba Thoughts?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:38:23 +0000

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