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This was sent to me and the author wishes to remain anonymous for personal reasons. Reasons I won’t vote for the School Levy and why those reasons don’t hold water. 1. I can’t afford it. Even without the State Tax Roll Back it amounts to $206 per year on a $100,000.00 Home. That’s $17.67 per month. Oh you have a $250,000.00 home, so that’s $42.92 per month. If you can’t spare that penance per month you’re either “greedy cheap” or really living in poverty. The later you can work with the County Tax Department on for assistance. The former requires an attitude adjustment. 2. The Board of Education will waste my money. The BOE has been held under a microscope for the better part of six months. Resulting in two member resignations, another NOT running for re-election and the Superintendent placed on Administrative Leave and a State Audit of the Books. Community groups have been and are formed for over sight, new board members and the Interim Superintendent are holding public meetings to discuss issues, expenditures. The BOE can hardly continue with the status quo which created this mess without facing severe and major community backlash. My bet is you’re money is safe and will be spent as wisely as possible. 3. My child goes to a Private School (Home School, Charter School, Etc.) why should I pay into the Public schools. Well your child might and you choose to pay the tuition or put in the time but you nor your child lives life in a bubble. The children in your community also interact with and your children. Is it fair to deny them an adequate education? Hardly, not. Good public schools are the cornerstone of a safe, thriving and cohesive community. More on this later (1) 4. Why should I pay into more taxes so politicians and their friends can get even more rich? Ohio Property Tax Levies use the funds collected ONLY for the purpose of the Levy. In fixed dollar amounts at the time of passage. The tax dollars will never go up for that particular levy, ever. Your Property taxes may increase but NOT for Levys placed on those taxes. (2) 5. No New Taxes, No more taxes, Taxed Enough Already So Schools being a Public Infrastructure as are Police Departments, Fire Departments, City Water and Sewage, Streets, etc. , how do you propose paying for them? Placing them into privatized systems reeks of socio-economic discrimination and into systems where the funds will surely be absconded and lesser benefit to the community at large, without public accountability. (3) So at the end of the day, you can afford a school levy, as a citizen and community member you have an obligation to support your community and those in it. You have no “REAL” reason to vote no. Citations: (1) (2) (3) cleveland/metro/index.ssf/2013/07/split_of_white_hat_management.html (4)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 19:22:23 +0000

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